2 chefs a fashion designer 3 forgers a mystery and a surprise

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helloooooooooo everybody!!!!!

here's the second chapter!!!!!!!!

i'm aware that it took long to update BUT

i have my final exams newt week and i have to prepare myself so please hold that in mind

i got some comments about how you guys want Bella so maybe,very maybe, she'll appear in this chapter.

so i'd say, read to find out whether i made her appear or decided to keep her hidden a bit longer ;)

anyway, enjoy! ^.^


Third persons POV

the Cullens followed Jay and Foxy to a big open room.

it probaly used to be one of the living rooms but the brick wall was replaced with a glass one so you could see the huge gardens and lake at the back of the house.

there was the orginal kitchen from the house and more then 10 other modern kitchens were scattered over the whole room.

Esme gasped by the sight of it:

"this is so so..."





we turned around and saw 2 girls with bowls in their hands, flour on their faces and two inviting smiles on their faces.

they looked alike yet not quite:

they both had mahony colored hair with a red shine but one's hair was straight and the others was rather curly,

they both had gold with brown eyes but one of them had blue tints in her eyes and the other one had green tints in her eyes,

the one on the left was slightly longer than the other one.

there faces were similar but one of them had an oval face and the other one a heart shaped face.

"okay now i'm confused." Rosalie said.

"oh, you're confused by us?" the one with the orange bowl asked.

"yes, pretty much. we're wondering whether you're twins or not." Jasper explained

"oh how rude of us!" they said in unison.

they put their bowls on one of the tables and giggled while they turned around:

"hi i am Alyssa but cal me Ally!" the one with the straight hair said.

"im Narcissa but call me Cissy!" the one with the curly hair said."and we're not twins."

"we're half sisters." Ally said.

suddenly that delicious scent filled the room and everyone watermouthed.

"what is that smell...?" Emmett asked

"oh oh, Ally! we forgot the cupcakes and the muffins!!" Cissy looked like she was having a panic attack.

"oh nooooooooooooooo!!!!.......wait! if they are burned then she can't have more and then dad will never find out that we...."

Foxy grinned:

"you do realise that your dad is right under me?"

"psht, of course!" Ally said.

"so do you two wanna share what you did?" Jay asked.

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