The Trial

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i figured since it took so long to upload the previous chap,

i thought i'd start a new one right away.

and also:

i LOVE you guys!!

thanks for the nice comments!!!

you're the best!!!

anyway, i wanted to give you guys a warning:

i'm back to school sooo,

this means my updates will have a major delay since i have to travel an hour with the bus to get back home and then get my homework done.

but i will try my best to update as much as possible.


enjoy the story ^.^



"Now let me ask you again Carlisle," Katharine said with a low dangerous voice as Bella and Isobelle went to sit infront of her, "are you sure you did nothing wrong?"

Carlisle opened his mouth but Edward answered:

"Yes we are sure."

all the Vulpines sucked in some air and Isabella and Isobelle looked like they were about to release the rage they had bottled up for so long.

a cold,cruel smile crept on Katharine's face:

"wrong answer....."


Carlisle knew the look on his aunts face.

he had seen it only once, eones ago.

and from the moment he saw the cold smile on her face, 

it was clear to him:

whatever they did wrong,

the punishment would be like hell.

she would not go easy on them.....

Edward thought.

and thought.

and thought.

wondering what they did wrong.

then he saw Bella looking at him.

but she wasn't a looking with warm brown eyes like she had before,no,

she stared at him with a cold blue eyes full of cruelty and hatred, not holding compasion and devotion like they once did.

and then she smirked.

she was enjoying this.

she was enjoying their panicked and scared expressions.

what happened to the Bella he had known!

they tainted HIS Bella!

"What did you do to her?!" he almost screamed.

he lunged at the girl in the red chair, only to be thrown on the ground with an unbreaklable grip on his throat.

he looked up and saw the cold dark emerald eyes of Ebony.

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