Bittersweet Reunion ~part 1~

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so, here is the new chapter!

i didn't upload for so long because:

1) this thing called SCHOOL. i know, hateful thing.

2) i became addicted to Tumblr, the BBC serie Sherlock,Doctor Who,Supernatural and the Avengers.

so i hereby apologize for being a writer who:

1) doesn't know the concept of a deadline

2) who doesn't update enough

3) who gets addicted to fandoms way too easy

now enjoy.


Vulpine Manor.

the air was filled with electriciy and you could almost see it.

it looked more than ever like a haunted house.

no sounds but two breaths.

Aikatharine sat upstairs in the library,infront of the fireplace,with her back to the door and kept staring at the fire.

Ebony carefully stepped in and sat beside her on the ground:

"it has started,hasn't it? the thing we thought that would never happen."

Aikatharine didn't react,just kept staring at the same spot.

Ebony pressed her lips to a thin line but kept quite and sat there with her.

after 4 hours Aikatharine whispered:

"did i do the right thing?"

Ebony took Aikatharine's hand and squeezed it a bit:

"yes. yes you did."

"i couldn't tell them."

"no you couldn't."

"soon i'll have to do it again."

"yes. and i will be staying at your side until the very end."



** a few days earlier**

"Carlisle this is ridiculous! why did we leave?! it's not like they have the authority to do so!!" Rosalie complained.

"actually,we were on their territory so they had every right to kick us of."

Jasper grumbled under his breath.

"yes but they have no right to kick us out of America!!"

Alice huffed.

" i wonder what happened with Bella. how can one go from brown hair and brown eyes to blonde hair and blue eyes?"

Emmett said to no one in particular.

in response,Edward started growling and Emmett quickly shut his mouth.

Bella was currently the forbidden word.

"well it won't be for long." Esme soothed," i'm sure Carlisle's aunt will see reason after a while."

"no, she won't."

they all looked at Carlisle.

"what do you mean Carlisle?"

Edward asked confused

"Katharine was serious. if we set another step on american soil after we left, she won't hestitate to punish us. i have known her for 12 years and i only once saw that cold and cruel look on her face. if she has that look on her face then i can guarantee you that you're in deep trouble."

there was a long silence before Carlisle spoke again:

"but you are right. my aunt did not have the right to banish us. the only reason i left is because i feared for our safety. we will have to ask for help."

Edward's head turned so quickly to Carlisle that if he had been mortal, he'd snapped it.

"NO! we cannot go to them!"

"then what can we do Edward? do you have a better idea in mind because they might actually make Katharine see reason."

" i don't but it's too risky! what if they decided on death as punishment? or worse: what if they recuit them?! she'd probaly manipulate them like she did with Be-.."

Rosalie snapped: " for godsake Edward!! they did not manipulate Bella! heck she'd probaly be dead if it wasn't for Carlisle demonic bipolar aunt..."

Carlisle interrupted her:

"Katharine is NOT demonic."

"of course she isn't. and Alice is f*cking normal."Rosalie retorded which earned her an "Hey!" from Alice.

soon the Cullens were arguing with eachother until Esme got fed up:

"ENOUGH!!!!!" she said on a loud commanding tone, " we will go to the Volturi and we will ask for help and the first person i hear complain again will get it!!!"

everyone shut up and looked shocked at the very very pissed Esme.

"now then, let's get going. we only have a few hours left."

*on the airplane to Italy*

"Hello, Gianna? yes, it's Carlisle Cullen. could you let Aro know that me and my family are coming?...yes my whole family...mhmm that's correct. also, is it possible to stay a few days in Volterra? is? wonderful! then we'll be there in 4 hours....okay, goodbye Gianna."

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