Chapter 1

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Angel's P.O.V

Packing is the worst thing ever. I hate packing so much because i have no idea what to bring with me. Looking around my room i started to pile tops, jeans, shorts, dresses and shoes into one big pile and started to fold the clothes into my two suitcases and i placed my shoes on top. Also i packed my curling wand, straighteners, makeup and hair products. 

Walking into the bathroom i grabbed my toothbrush, toothpaste, wipes and razors and gently packed them in my suitcase, but allowing my gaze to fix on to the bathroom again i walked slowly back in and opened the cupboard which has the razor hidden at the far end corner. If you know what i'm talking about. Grabbing it i looked down at it wondering if i should take it with me or not. Sighing i lifted my bracelets up my arms, so i could see the battle scars which i haven't won the war between myself yet. Holding the razor more tightly i swiped the razor across my wrist and just let the raw blood come pouring out of the cut. I reached for some toilet paper and placed it on my wrist so the blood can attach itself to it and slowly stop. 

I ran into the bedroom and quickly hid the razor at the bottom of my suitcase because just in case mum comes snooping in my suitcase to see what i packed. 

"ANGEL HAVE YOU FINISHED PACKING YET, WE'RE LEAVING SOON?!" screamed my mum from the kitchen. 

"YES I FINISHED CAN I HAVE HELP BRING THEM DOWN!" i shouted back and i heard footsteps running up the stairs and walking down the hall to my room. Before walking in the they knocked on my door and i said they can come in and my mum came strolling in and smiled brightly at me, but i simply just looked at her with a blank expression.

Seeing that i wasn't going to smile back or her smile dropped and she tried to start up a conversation "Finished?" my mum asked me and i just looked down at my suitcases and glanced back at my mum and nodded.

Aggravation appeared on her face "Still mad at me then?" i nodded my head once again. I heard her sigh before stepping beside me and grabbing hold of one of my suitcases that was black and covered in stickers. "I had to tell you sometime you know?" 

"It's not that (.) it's that you told me only a couple of days ago, i just wish i knew sooner that Andy Biersack was my dad." i told her.

Mum let go of my suitcase and held on to my arms and looked at me straight in the eyes. "I know i should have told you sooner, but i was worried and scared that you would leave me and go looking for him." she explained to me and i saw a clear, crystal tear roll down her cheek and splattered on my grey carpet. 

Feeling how she felt i pulled her into a tight embrace. I now know that she didn't want me to leave, she didn't want to loose me. And i understand. "Mum i'm never going to leave you... ever. I love you." 

"I love you too." she whispered in my ear and kissed my forehead. "I love you so much, you do know that right baby?" 

I nodded and kissed her cheek and let her go and we both helped each other carrying the two (must i say heavy suitcases) down the stairs and into the hallway where everybody else's suitcases were kept.

Mum and I walked into the living room to see Sammy, Alex, crystal and tabby there sitting on the sofa's watching adventure time on TV. I rolled my eyes and stood watching them get really excited when Finn or Jake appeared on to the screen. "I don't even know how i'm going to put up with you when we are touring." i said out loud and they all turned towards me and smiled widely at me. 

"Feel bad for me, i'm the one who has been on tour with them since we were teens." My mum joked from beside. I looked at her and shook my head.

"I don't know how you survive." 

Then a loud horn interrupted us from saying anything else and Crystal screamed and sprinted to the window and shouted "THE TOUR BUS IS HERE, GUYS, IT'S HERE IT'S HERE IT'S HERE." she ran past us grabbed her suitcase and literally ripped the door open and she was gone.

"I think the bus is here." We all looked at tabby and laughed. We all went into the hallway and grabbed our suitcases but not before checking that everything was off and locked and we walked outside to the tour bus.

The driver approached us and grinned at us "Isn't she a beauty?" i nodded at him agreeing and he volunteered to dump my suitcases in the tour bus so i said thank you and let him carry my things in the bus and into the spare room where the suitcases go. 

When i was about to walk to the tour bus i saw Alex and Sammy looking around. "What up guys?" i asked confused. 

"Where's Crystal?" asked Alex and looked around again to make sure we didn't miss her, but then we saw a girl with coloured blue hair stick her head out of a window and shout,

"I'M HERE, COME ON!" she's excited i thought to myself and i shook my head silently and we all final entered the tour bus and the band chose a bunk, which i got top which is the worst because it's cold up there and i'm small. Aww man. 

Of course Crystal got one of the bottom bunks because it's the warmest bunks because it's closer to the engine. Tabby got the other bottom bunk, Alex and my mum got the two middle bunks while myself and Sammy got the top bunks. Well this is going to be fun. 

When everyone was laying in there bunks i went to the spare room to get my laptop from my back pack. When i grabbed my backpack i swung it on my shoulder and once again entered the bunk area and climbed into my bunk which was harder than i thought.

Finally laying in the comfortable bunk i shut the curtains to get more privacy and also to try and block the snoring sound coming from Sammy. I grabbed my laptop from my backpack and placed it on my knees and logged on. While waiting for it to set up i also found some sweets in my backpack and started to eat them. I looked at the time on my phone and saw that it was just past 3am, sighing to myself i placed my headphones over my head so i could relax and watch a film while we travel to the unknow place where we are going and hopefully get some sleep sometime. 








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