Chapter Two

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A robbery... a nice simple, straight forward robbery; perfect for Paige's first spider-mission. What are the odds?

'What, did you think just because it was day light I wouldn't be around?' Peter quips as he enters the convenience store in full Spider-Man regalia.

'What- there's two of you know?' one of the two thugs holding up the store whines with slight panic gaining on his every breath. The other thug, holding a sawn off shot gun to the cashier's head -while he empties the register into a duffle bag- looks up at his companion's remark, to see the friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man and his own companion. The second web head is a whole head shorter than the first. Paige may be lacking in the height department but then again so is Peter. Paige stands in stark contrast to Peters red and blue colour scheme, hers is black where his is blue and the red is a few hues darker. Her mask is also different to Peter's, it covers everything below her hair line, and the top of her head is open so that her hair can flow free.

Paige's super suit is clearly donning a female figure, with her having all the gender specific tools and equipment, as it were. So clearly, to a thug at least, she's an easy target; shorter, weaker, and that's where she has them fooled.

Over the past few weeks, Peter and Paige have been sparing together, as well as honing their skills, such as speed reflexes and how to properly use the Spidey sense. Now, the spider that bit Peter may have had Red back spider DNA in it –hence his strength to body weight ratio- however, seeing as the spider that bit Paige was made up of primarily Red back DNA her Strength to body weight ratio is much higher than Peter's. This also means her Spidey sense isn't as strong either.

The two thugs robbing this convenience store don't know that but, watching the first thug practically throw himself at Paige trying to knock her down sure is amusing to watch, for Peter anyway.

As the thug runs at Paige she leaps into the air, successfully performing a back flip, to land on the floor behind the thug and push him through the front door and face planting to the pavement outside. Peter chuckles at the thugs poorly thought out attack and turns to the other thug, now holding the clerk in a choke hold.

'I blast his brains out if you take a step further!' He says with a panic stricken voice. Peter squints through his super suit, breaking down the situation; then an idea!

He shoots a web at the barrel of the shot gun and pulls it away from the clerk, the thug misses the clerk as the idiot fires out of reflex but Peter jumps at the same time to dodge the spray of bullets.

'Red! Get down!' Peter shouts over his shoulder to his companion, as he follows through with his plan of attack, jumping over the shot gun spray and landing on the counter after the gun goes flying from the thug's hands. Peter then punches the thug as hard as he can square in the face, hard enough for the thug to hit his head on the wall behind him, rendering him unconscious.

'Thank- thank you Spider-Man!' The clerk says as Peter hands him the duffle bag with the stolen money,

'Anytime, you can call the cops now.' Peter says as he drags the thug out of the store and with Paige's help they web the two up out the front of the store, upside down.

'When the cops come to arrest your sorry asses, tell them who caught you; good ole Spidey and Red Back.' Peter gives the two a spin and swings down the street with Paige by his side.

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