Chapter Ten

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Paige's eyes flat out refused to focus as her ears are under attack by the ultrasound from the headphones snug around her head. It made her brain feel like mush, making it near impossible to talk or even move. It's as if all the energy is being drained from her muscles, making her weak and tired.

Trench coat man, -'Jules'- the man who kidnapped her squats down in front of Paige adjusting her restraints. The young girl's hands and legs were spread and tied to the corners of whatever it was she was now confined in. The ropes holding her were tight and she had to strain her back to keep from hanging in the air. As much as Paige would absolutely love to smack the shit out of the man standing in front of her, the tightness of the ropes won't even allow her to bend her elbow let along punch this man in his face.

'You're gonna make me a lotta money.' the man says in Paige's ear with a smile and a small chuckle. The sound of the man's chuckle bouncing around the new confines and the way it echoes tells Paige the walls are metal, possibly a shipping container. This gives Paige a flicker of hope, it means they haven't left New York yet and there's still time for peter to find her.

'When I get out of here I'm going to kill you.' Paige says with growl.

'Oh, sweetheart, the only way you're getting out of here is in a body bag. You probably think your little boyfriend going to come save his damsel he's mostly likely already here and when he swings in I'll trap him in here with you and then I'll get paid double.' Jules says as he leaves, shutting the heavy metal door behind him before Paige can clarify,

'He's not my boyfriend.' Paige's head lolls back and her eyes roll back into her skull as the ultrasound starts to affect her breathing. As if the room has become a vacuum and the air becoming scarce, Paige's breaths become shallower and shallower. On the knife's edge of passing out Paige feels her heart flutter uncontrollably. Almost as if she were having a heart attack, all her energy leaves her as her heart struggles to beat in rhythm. She fights against the ropes as best she can to scratch at her throat or hold her chest but with every small tug the ropes tighten, biting into her skin. Despite the burn in her lungs, wrists and ankles the fuzziness in her head and the dark spots in her vision, she continues to struggle. She refuses to give up she tries to calm her breathes but with her palpitating heart and struggling breaths, she can't force her body to do much.

This is not how I go! I am not going to die here!

Paige takes a deep breath and holds it, pulling with all her might until she feels the rope draw blood from her wrists and one of her ankles pop. She keeps pulling. Her eyes tear up and a tiny whimper escapes her mouth as the thought won't even be able to tell Peter how she feels.

She can't give up.

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