Chapter Nine

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In quite a panic, Peter searches high and low for his fellow web head, with no luck. As Panic well and truly settles in the young boy's chest, calling tony for help seems to become more and more inviting. After staring at Paige's phone once more, Peter decides it's time to call Tony.

'Is everything ok, kid?' Tony says as soon as he picks up the phone, knowing Peter will have panicked himself into speechlessness. 'Do you need my help?'

Peter does his best to breathe in without stuttering and quickly breathes out, 'Yes.' Tony hangs up the phone and puts on the closest suit of iron man armour. The billionaire flies as fast as the suit will allow him to, following the blip on his heads up display's map.

Seeing Peter sitting on the very top of the empire state building with his mask yanked off a tightly clutched in his while tears stroll down his cheeks Breaks Tony's heart.

'Peter I think I may have found something.' Karen, Peters Spidey suit's artificial intelligence speaks up, 'you said to keep a metaphorical eye out for anything strange leaving New York.' Peter holds a small laugh in his throat at the fact his Ai took the eye thing literally- being that an Ai has no eyes.

'Karen said she may have found something.' Peter says, Tony tilts his head in confusion for a moment only to remember KAREN was what the boy called his suits internal Ai. He waits for Peter to elaborate and with a few nods Peter looks up at Tony again, 'She says there's an unidentified shipment of containers leaving from pier 11 down by South Bridge in about half an hour.' Peter relays, and as what he's just said sinks in his stomach drops at the thought that Paige is in one of those containers.

'Let's get going then!' Tony scoops up Peter and flies toward pier 11. Peter sticks to Tony's chest as they fly over New York faster than he could ever manage swinging through the streets, even using his new sling shot technique. Finally reaching the dimly lit dock, Peter crouches on top of a stack of boxes while tony hides behind them.

'I count twelve guys, five on the ship, and seven on the dock. Can you handle the ones on the ship? At least they don't have automatic rifles. Or do you want me to take care of the goons while you look for Paige?' Tony asks, peter is startled from his panicked thoughts of what condition Paige could possibly be in. Surely, being a superhero Paige would have put up a fight so what would they have had to resort to in order to kidnap her? Tony looks up to Peter, who just nods and swings off,

'Yeah, but wait for my signal I have an idea.' Peter says over the suits built in coms. Peter jumps across the tall lamps to stay out of sight.

He catches one of the machine gun guys on the radio to someone, he leaps down from his lamp post to stick to the side of the pier so he can listen,

'Cargo is loaded ready to set sail in fifteen.'

'Last checks andwe're off.' The man on the other side says. Peter frowns at such a simple codeword for something other than just some cargo; His friend and god knows whoelse now that he thinks of it.

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