Chapter 16

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I said goodbye to each of them before I left. It was nice, for once goodbyes were nice. I’d gotten to know each of them, briefly, but enough to have individual goodbyes. Personal goodbyes.

“I’ll send you some links about magic tricks,” Rian said, “Maybe they won’t help you with school, but if you’re moving in with Alex you’ll need something to entertain yourself with.”

“Thanks, Rian,” Alex said dryly.

“Make sure you watch these movies,” Matt ordered me, pushing a hand-written list into my palms. “They’re excellent, you’ll love them. Make sure to call me afterwards, or skype or something, we can chat about them!”

“Absolutely,” I promised, giving him a hug.

“Finley,” Zack grinned down at me. “I’ll send you the rest of the photos I took, but only after you send me yours.”

“I told you, they’re absolute-”

“No!” He interrupted, “I want to see them, okay? Alex said they’re great, and even if he hadn’t, it something you enjoy. I want to see them!”

I rolled. “Fine. I’ll email them when I get home.”

“You better. And the next time I see you we’ll start giving you some skateboarding lessons, okay?”

“Just as soon as you get the insurance sorted out,” I smiled sweetly, then laughed. “Bye Zack, I’ll talk to you soon.”


Beside the car, Jack stood talking to Alex. They both stopped when I started walking towards them, and opened the boot for my bags.

“Is that everyone but me, then?” Jack said.

“Seems to be, assuming you haven’t anyone hidden away in the basement.”

“Dammit, the landlord said those walls were soundproof!” Jack complained. I laughed.

“Bye, Jacky. I’ll see you.”

“Bye, Fin.” He paused, “And, could you do me a favour? Talk to your brother. You may not get the chance again, you know? And even he doesn’t deserve to see you, you deserve to say goodbye to him.”

I frowned. But nodded. “Okay. I will.”


“Cross my heart and hope to die.”

“Alright.” He hugged me tightly, and kissed me on the forehead. “Call me whenever you want, got it?”

“Got it. Bye, Jack.”


I got into the front seat next to Alex.

“Do you want to say goodbye to me?” He asked cheekily.

I laughed. “Not just yet.”

“So, did you have a good time? What did you think of the guys?”

“It was so great. And they’re so great! And...” I bit my lip. “Thanks, Alex. Really, thank you. This weekend has been the best, but... more importantly... you’ve been the best. I don’t know where I’d be without you.”

He took his eyes off the road to look at me. “You’d have been just fine.”

“We both know that’s a lie.”

“Okay. Well then, you will be just fine. Actually, you’re going to be great.”

I smiled. “Thanks, Alex.”

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