Chapter 1/Calamity's child

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Welcome to our new book. It's an experiment being in the third person which isn't common on Wattpad. New chapters every Thursday! Feel free to talk, we love talk. RK&Reb.

Known space/Earth/New York/The Woodshield Archeology 835rd floor. 

Friday. 900 years after when things got good after the Robot Apocalypse.

The hit was going so well, that was until the rhinoceros blew up. Not long before John Grant all six feet of him, stood confidently in the elevator. On his arm was a floozie, half drunk on the Champaign. She still held the final glass at dangerous angles.  She had dark hair, one slice of which hung over her left eye. The elevator made a weird noise and set of lights went over them.

"What was that?" said the girl freaked slightly slurring her words. "hashtag weirdness." 

"Elevator scan Babe. Looking for weapons, bombs, even parachutes," said Grant casually. The scan indicated she was normal except for a common dyslexia prosthesis. He, on the other hand, was perfect if upgraded and armed with a Walther PPK e-edition and was 6ft of dangerous.  He eyed the girl, she was gorgeous. Big eyes, cheeky smile, lithe motion what was there not to want. While walking in the human soldiers couldn't keep their eyes from her.  The girl looked confused.

 "With the president of Earth in attendance of the building's opening Mr Ortogara doesn't want any base jumpers using it for thrills," Grant reassured her calmly. 

"I know what I would do here for thrills and it's not jumping off a building," said the girl tapping Grant with her tiny handbag. She finished the glass and gave it to him. She reached over and grabbed his face with her hand, she was wearing elbow length opera gloves and she then started kissing him. She moaned when Grant pulled away.

"And this babe is Mr Ortogara's private gallery" he announced as the elevator doors slid open. 'Cue'  thought grant.  Grant was everything a president's bodyguard should be. Fit, handsome, lethal, and well groomed. He was the best of the best of the best and you could tell from this well trained movements he knew it. His confidence stood out and the girls were drawn towards him like he was an imploding gravitational singularity.

"Ooh," said the girl whose name he hadn't quite caught, looked around the room in amazement,"Hashtag EyePopping. Hashtag BlingCity."

Grant smiled his chiselled good looks were complemented by the sharply cut suit.  He had seen her bare back coming in she had a large ultraviolet tattoo of angel wings which showed up in black-light. He might delight in chasing that angel with his finger later. 

"ECHO TWO TO ECHO ONE. NAVIGATION WAYPOINT 9 OK. ALL CLEAR" said a distorted voice in an ear piece.

Grant reached to his gold wristwatch and disabled the alarm system an. Fiddling he turned off the security cameras.

"Whats that for?" said the girl in her cute southern bell accent. She lent up and kissed him. Her kisses were almost as bubbly as the 2987 Champaign they were drinking. She must be from Venus thought Grant. Even her killer heels were not high enough to hold her up to Grant's kissing hight and he had to bend down to reach. She was young, the early twenties, young enough to know what she was doing and cute enough to pull off the asymmetric makeup. Perhaps she was an artist. She looked around the small personal gallery. They were standing in a well-lit glass chamber. It held many of Mr Ortogara's prized and valuable possessions.

"I'm going to need a chair to kiss you properly." said the girl looking around holding onto his shirt collar "Hey if we do it will we be members of the hashtag milehighclub?"

 She was referring to the fact they were now three miles up in the world's tallest building the Woodshield Archeology.

"Could be," said Grant confidently smiling slightly.

The Man between my crosshairs (girl X assassin)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ