Chapter 18/The Goat

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A/N Another week and we have hit 400+ reads. Which is highly satisfying. Thanks to all our readers out there. With read and votes are a very generous in your support!. Thanks.  

Archigram City 854 miles east of the equator

After the bar Zoe's augmented memory had three names. Fanfalls City, Pooker ridge, Jerico. She spoke the first one and found her self in a self driving car leaving Archigram. While she travelled she examined the weapons. The gun was good, the batteries fresh, barrel straight. When the car arrived the weapons were well hidden and she got out. The self driving car drove her far from Archigram it was like the car wanted to take her somewhere the city wanted to forget. In the distance, she saw what looked to be a collection of mobile homes and RVs. They were parked irregularly like tents in a huge festival camping ground. She stood outside a battered RV nested like one jigsaw piece between many. It was large, outside were some mismatched furniture. She went to the metal door but lacking a recognition system she rang the bell which didn't work, then knocked on the door. It opened out to show a large black woman. Looking at Zoe.

"My Name is Zoe Belle. I've come to talk to a journalist and blogger called Jerico."

The middle aged woman looked at her.

"This is Pooker ridge isn't it" said Zoe.

This tripped the woman into action.

"Journalist eh ?... Jerico?" She shouted. There was nothing. "Jerico!"

"What is it, Mom?" Said a man's voice "Migration isn't for a couple hours."

"There is a young lady for you," said Jerico's Mother. Zoe noticed the marks of spectacles on her nose. Soft hands. Worked with her brain. No ring so proud. She seemed rich and educated. Zoe guessed she was a Sector bureaucrat. Given that the sector government covered 90% of the employment this wasn't a difficult guess. 

"Shit!" Said Jerico's voice. "Tell her I'll be there, in a second"

Jerico's mother clearly knew Zoe could hear him.

"He'll be with you in a minute. Perhaps you would like to come into the dining room" said Jerico's Mother. "He doesn't have many callers. In fact, if I was to tell the truth, you're the first. There you have it. Perhaps you would like a coffee or something?"

Zoe followed Jerico's Mother up some steps to a well lived in RV. It was compact. Just behind the driving seats was a small table booth. It could be converted into a bed and by the wear Jerico's Mother slept there. Her qualifications hung up on the walls. Photographs of her and two boys both at graduations of something or other.

"You'll be Zoe Belle?" Said a young man emerging from the back of the RV beyond the kitchen.

"She is. Did you check the tires like I asked?" said Jerico's Mom.

"I did," said Jerico clearly lying. He was young, thin, and wore glasses. He was black and had neatly cropped hair.

"Hi, your Jerico? Nice to meet you in the flesh. I'm Zoe, Zoe Belle. We emailed" Said Zoe.

"What have you come for?" Jerico said slipping his slim frame behind the small table.

"You said you should drop, by so I did," said Zoe. "In fact, I wondered if I could offer you work."

Jerico's body language tried to hide his surprise. His Mother's was far more obvious. Zoe had just said her magic words, 'work'.

"Why would you do that?" Said Jerico.

"Well, I work for the Beta-Kine investment corporation."

"I remember now. And you are going to invest in old man Styles. So why, on this world or the next should I help you?" He said crossing his arms.

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