Cliche Teams

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Do you believe in love at first sight? No, neither do I.

I’ve always believed that the idea of love at first sight was overrated and unconditional love was conditioned mainly by ones belief to believe in love at first sight. And I think that the whole belief in love at first sight was medieval, it was prehistoric to fall in love one and be expected to stay with that person your entire life and love nobody but them until the day you die.

I mean bitch, please…

“So yeah, thanks for well… saving my life” I stared at the incredibly good looking stranger before me wondering how he could possibly have been at my school for three years without me even noticing his existence when he was easily the best looking guy I’d ever seen. Even better looking than my own, Riley. Feeling guilty, I stared away from him and at the ground. It had been two days since I disappeared off the face of the earth and made everybody think I had run away, been kidnapped, raped and pillaged or murdered and lying in a ditch somewhere.

And yet he still hadn’t bothered to come and see me. Well, what could I say? That was just plain rude.

I was stood in the café leaning on the counter that was now playing home to my strawberry mocha milkshake making me feel slightly sick from the ultra-sweet creamy taste infecting my taste buds. I out it down and jumped lightly onto the stool, it was bubble-gum pink and squeaked as the plastic leather came into contact with the back of my bear legs.

Lukas sat across from me, the epitome of everything naturally cool. I couldn’t help but study the fluidity of his movements, the way his dark scruffy hair fell just enough over his face for me to consider him mysterious, but not enough for me to think he was against socialism.

His green eyes peered from beneath his scruffy mop and showed me the intention to be friendly even though he seemed uncomfortable and scared. And he obviously wasn’t used to female attention because whenever I looked at him he just gave me this awkward look before pursing his lips and staring at something else; anything else.

“That’s okay, but I hardly saved your life. My mum is the one you should be thanking, she stitched you back together again” I smiled, what a way to be modest? He made me feel like humpty dumpty falling down a wall and needing to be stuck back together again. Even though I looked nothing like an egg, nor was I surrounded by kinsman.

“Well I think you were my knight in shining armour, I would have bled to death the doc said, if you hadn’t found me” He  turned bright red, with his ears starting the colour-change before it etched all the way down to his neck.

“Can we talk about something else please?” He stirred his dark cup of black coffee and watched the frothy top swirl in the centre of the dark liquid. I watched too, fascinated by what he found fascinating. He was different, strange even, and painfully shy.

“Um… yeah okay I guess so. I just wanted you to know I’m grateful” I stared at the straw sticking out of the polystyrene beaker that was full of pink beige liquid. I pushed it sideway and into the bin, signalling that I was done with the drink. My head still felt fuzzy and I didn’t feel the need to add brain freeze to one of my many symptoms I had been experiencing. Apparently I had severe concussion and could not spend more than two hours out of the house at a time.

“I know, I just don’t wanna think about what would have happened to you had I not found you?” I thought about what he had just said, I thought it sweet that although he knew nothing about me and had barely any conversations with me, he still valued my life enough to not want to think of me dead. I smiled and reached for my cup… I sighed, I always get an urge for another mouthful once I’ve thrown it away. He grimaced at me, before pushing his cup of coffee my way. I looked at the dark liquid, I didn’t think a caffeine high was a good idea for my fragile head either, that and the fact I hated the taste of black coffee, it had to be milky with two sugars, or else it would get nowhere near my mouth.  

But he was giving me the sweetest look, like a puppy begging you to love them. I wondered if it was a silent plea for help, the need of a friend.  I smiled, picked up the cup and brought it to my lips. I opened my mouth and let it flow in, down my throat, and landing in a mess at the bottom of my stomach. I could feel the gross liquid take its journey all the way down.

I tried to smile, but I had crinkled up my nose and eyes in protest to the taste. I guessed I must look like some kind of cartoon character, with what must have been a thousand frown lines over my face at that moment.

I heard a laugh and when I looked up I was getting the most adorable look I had ever seen. He seemed to like the fact that I tried to like the drink. I smiled and then pushed the cup along the counter to him; giving it a look that I hoped conveyed my inner belief: you just destroyed my taste buds!

His laugh boomed from deep inside him as I made my face, and then I started laughing too.  And that’s when I looked up and saw a pair outside the glass fronted shop, he was holding her head to his chest and she was hugging him tightly. I let my eyes linger for a second, not quite believing my eyes?

That’s why he hadn’t come to see me!

Lukas must have followed my suddenly pissed off look because he turned a one eighty in his seat and stared at the scene unfolding. She pulled away and took his hand, before leaning in and kissing his cheek. I was in shock, fear and disbelief rising in my heart.

“What’s wrong with that?” Lukas looked shocked at my expression, and I could hardly blame him, in my head I was plotting the death of them both using battery acid, alcohol and a whole lot of fire. I hope battery acid was highly flammable.

“That is my boyfriend” I said with a feeling of sinking in my stomach.

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