Prom night

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Lukas still had the remains of a black eye and a now slightly crooked nose, not noticeably so unless you were me and got close enough to see. He seems to be quite unaffectionate in public which kind of annoyed me because it meant all the guys still thought I was there to gawk at and Imogen was still spreading rumours that I was obsessed over Riley and wouldn't leave him alone. Which of course, was stupid.  

There were cars lined up in three rows to let everyone get into the small cramped car park. It was a bright sundown and at seven the world was lit with a light orange pink haze. Girls were stood in groups, a few with couples of boys and rapidly firing bright camera shots around like it was some kind of red carpet event. I frowned, it really wasn't as altogether as exciting as I was expecting.  

Courtney text me saying she was about to get out of her car by the door and I watched craning my neck to the side. Lukas was very aware of the bluish tinged bruise and I noticed how he kept putting his face on his hand as he normally did in cars, to pull back wincing at the pain. He was obtusely aware of how badly his father had effected him. I pushed my hand up his arm and rested of on his shoulder, he looked at it before his eyes searched mine and enveloped me in an all encompassing stare.  

Courtney was wearing a baby blue dress, it had thin shiny silver thread running through it in the shape of lollies and she had a thin layer I foundation on her pale skin, her eyes were glittering blue. I smiled at her tiny brilliance, she was a tiny petite girl with a small frame and a big voice that sounded like it could declare war with slightly aggressive undertones. This was the first time that I had seen her since she got back from France.  

"She looks beautiful" I couldn't help the hair on the back of my neck rising like hackles as he said it, he was supposed to think I was beautiful. With green jealousy (to match my dress) rising inside me I watched as a horse drawn carriage two vehicles ahead revealed Riley. I was instantly stuck, I couldn't move of blink or breathe, he was wearing the suit I had said looked good on him, the same light blue twinkle I those eyes, his sandy hair combed lightly and his smile forced. He held out his hand as Imogen stepped out of the car and took it dropping to the floor and posit instantly like the paparazzi had been talking her and she was ready for her big photo-shoot.  

"That bitch" I said coldly looking at the outfit she was wearing, it was the dress if had my heart set on, the dress I'd fallen in love with and the dress that matched Riley's eyes. And man, did it! I was just staring in awe, she had her hair in an up-do, curls flouncing and bouncing like a pogoing pampered princess. She had a large costume style sparkly necklace that shone every which way she turned, glowing iridescent in the sunlight.  

"I agree but tonight isn't about them" Lukas said evil eyeing Riley, I hated it when he did that... I didn't like obsessive guys, Riley and I had both still allowed each other to flirt because we knew nothing would ever happen, we only wanted to flirt with each other. I frowned at him and dropped my arm. Tonight was going to be a disaster, I could feel it in my bones.  

She was stood like some kind of advert for Americas next top model with her flashy jewellery and overly orange overly made up face, I could almost make out the lines of the chicken fillets that made her boobs look like back breakers. I felt self conscious as the driver slowed down to let us out. Lukas didn't loo so nervous anymore, he smiled and opened the door and stepped out, then he walked around and opened my door for me. I breathed in and stepped out into the gap for those jus arriving surrounded by a crowd of onlookers where the queen bee stood at the back surveying her kingdom, I though of I gown as the queen bee. Ready to stab you in the back and then fly off like nothing had ever happened.  

I saw Courtney's face turn to pure delight as she saw me, she did a little jump on the spot and then ran up to me her smile wavering slightly to admiration as she took in Lukas in his super smart suit that I'd bought him. He hadn't wanted to accept it, but I insisted and in the end he had no choice because his mother couldn't afford to buy him something so expensive on a nurses salary.  

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