Chapter 7.

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Walking back into the theatre on that chilly Monday morning, I was determined not to let the events of my previous visit get in the way of anything I may have been feeling.
The atmosphere inside was similar to the temperature outside, decidedly frosty, but undettered , my first port of call was to go and see Hugo in his office to apologise to him. Surprisingly enough, he wasn't too concerned. Just made me promise not to do it again, which I did and then went off to look for Alan.
I wasn't relishing this confrontation much, but after my chat to the moon the other night, I felt somewhat stronger about things.

As I walked down the corridor I saw Jayne coming towards me, eating a huge salad baguette that was partly wrapped in brown paper.        
I took in a breath.
She had been on the stage the other day whilst Alan was having a go at me, so goodness knows what she now thinks!

"Hello Jayne".  I breezed, trying to sound cheerful and pretend that the other days incident hadn't bothered me at all.   "How's things?". 

"Oh Gwen!".   She shrieked,  through mouthfuls of baguette, "Its so lovely to see you...............we thought you wouldn't be coming back".    She then grabbed me into a full embrace and gave me an almighty hug.

"Why would you think that?".   I asked, frowning at her.

Jayne withdrew her hug and looked at me for a moment.

" Well he was pretty mean to you, wasn't he. I know I couldn't  have hacked that ".  She said.

I stared at her, as she picked at a bit of cucumber.

"So?  You thought he was being unreasonable too?".  I asked.

"God yes".  Jayne laughed.  "He was horrid........poor you having to cope with all of that!  Phew!!  So glad it wasn't me".  

I took a deep breath.

" Well, I was under the impression that, well.......I may have overreacted a little bit".    Said quietly.

Jayne shook her head, as she took a bite of her crusty baguette.

"Ah, ah, not at all".   She said, as she chewed,    "I think you did rather well taking it for as long as you did, I mean he'd been on at you for quite a while really".   

I continued to stare at her.
At last someone on my side who had actually noticed!

I began to smile at her.
Good old Jayne for noticing.

"Alfie says though, it's because he fancies you".   Jayne suddenly said, out of the blue.

"What?".  I shrieked, totally shocked by this accusation.

Jayne took another bite and waved a hand frantically by the side of her face, wanting to tell me more, but still needing to eat.

"He's convinced about it, says he can see it a mile off".   Jayne went on.

My stomach twisted and I felt my cheeks unexpectedly flush.

"I have to say that I haven't noticed anything, all I could see was how horrible he was being towards you".  She continued,  "But, wow, wouldn't it be cool if he did, you know, someone like him having the hots for someone like would be awesome". 

I looked down at her as she took another bite of her baguette and took in her words carefully.

"What do you mean?...........someone like me?".    I asked, frowning.

Again, she waved a hand in mid air and began to laugh.

"Oh,  you know..........someone not in the limelight or anything, just ordinary.......... like the rest of us. Don't get me wrong.........I think that you are lovely.......but, well..... he is very famous and damn good looking to boot!".   Jane grinned.

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