Chapter 48.

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I had never before seen Leicester Square quite like this.
There were people and cameras simply everywhere.

Michael had pulled the lovely black Bentley directly behind another one and we were now waiting to go into the designated area before we were able to alight.
I craned my neck to take a better look at all the excited activities before me but it was simply impossible to actually make out much at all, amongst the blur of colour and flashing lights. It would appear that people were also clambering and pushing about all over the place. I could see however, that there were some security personnel keeping the crowds back behind some make shift barriers that had been erected especially for this evening and there was also a very strong police presence.
I could also just about make out the long strip of red carpet leading up to the Odeon cinema entrance and quite a few people were already standing on it, posing for photographs as flashes of bright light lit up somewhat unfamiliar faces.

"This can all be a bit challenging ".
The deep baritone of Alan Rickman's voice, cut through all the craziness that I was witnessing before me.
"But it is in fact quite normal". He reassured me.

I glanced quickly at him, before averting my attention back towards what was going on outside.
He had possibly been to hundreds, maybe even thousands of social events like this before and so was more than likely very used to all of these goings on. For me though, this was the very first time I had ever experienced anything quite like this and it was making me feel quite nauseated.

"Why are there so many people?". I asked, still looking out through the window, "I mean, what do they all want?".

I heard Michael laugh from his drivers position in front of me.

"They've come to see the stars". He said.

I craned my neck even further, trying to gauge just how many people were stood out here watching, but it was quite impossible.

"Are you feeling nervous?". Alan spoke quietly.

I nodded my head, still not looking at him as my eyes were totally transfixed on all of this activity, knowing that any minute I too, would be thrown out there among the throng of flashing lights and cheering people.

"Don't be". Alan continued to speak quietly, "I'll be here...... Right beside you. There really is no need at all to worry".

The voice beside me although very comforting, soothing and extremely reassuring,  I still did not turn around to face him, such were the nerves and acute apprehension that was now fuelling my entire body.
I just had not expected so many people to be here and I sure as hell hadn't expected to feel quite this worried about it all either.
My hands had now begun to shake as adrenaline raced through me. I took in a deep breath in an attempt to calm myself down a bit, but it wasn't working. I still continued tremble.
Suddenly and most unexpectedly I felt a hand, large and warm being placed over the top of one of mine. I snapped my head round and looked straight into the kind, sympathetic, green eyes of Alan who was staring right at me and who was now holding my hand gently within his own.

"Try not to concern yourself too much by all of this. " He said, calmly and slowly. "It really is just part of the job of being an actor. If you can, just try and concentrate on standing next to me and then walking from one side of the red carpet to the other. Do you think you could do that? "

I looked at him and nodded my head very slowly.
He made it all sound so incredibly easy but the fact that he was now also holding my hand so tenderly had really sent my nerves into absolute orbit!
I looked down, just to make sure that his hand was actually there, holding mine and I felt a real tightness in my belly when I could see for myself that it indeed was.

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