Chapter 34.

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"Will you stop pacing, you're distracting me from reading this". Huffed Sarah, in an irritated manner.

I turned and looked at her in annoyance.

"Well....... where are they then?". I asked, looking out through the kitchen window towards the ever darkening skies.

"Don't know". I heard her mutter from behind me,
"Maybe they've gone shopping. Perhaps for baby clothes or something".
She added dismissively.

I wheeled around to glare at her, but Sarah was now back engrossed with reading the script so my facial expression was wasted on her.

We were now back at home again and I'd  really got it into my head that we were all going to sit around the kitchen table together and I would explain everything that had been going on.
I had already played out the scenerio in my head so many times now, that it felt like a very well rehearsed play. But I was mindset that things probably would not work out like I had imagined they would anyway.
In an ideal world, I wouldn't have to say too much before one of my parents, probably my Mother would interject and stop me from having to explain it all, take over the conversation and tell me exactly what had happened.
There would be apologies all round and then................

Tears began to prick at my eyes and I found myself rubbing my bandaged arm for comfort.
This was going to be dreadful I just knew it, but I was positively sure that they were waiting for this day to come.
But actually confronting them about it all was going to be truly awful.
I gave a big sigh.
Trust my parents to both be out when I had built myself up for this.
They never went out!
Not together anyway.
I paced around once again and noticed that Sarah was glaring at me more intensely this time.

"Sorry". I said, pulling up a chair opposite to her and sitting down.

"It must be pretty bad if your getting this worked up about telling us". She observed.

"Yes, well it is pretty important". I sighed.

"More important than allowing us to believe you were pregnant ".  She huffed, returning to look at the script.

I gave another deep sigh.
It wasn't my fault that they had all jumped to the wrong conclusions!
And to be perfectly honest, it would seem that my sister was more than a little disappointed that I wasn't about to make her an auntie, for her mood towards me had drastically changed since I had told her that I wasn't in fact pregnant.
She hadn't spoken much, nor made any eye contact with me either and I had now begun to fear that the bridges we had managed to build towards one another over the last 24 hours, were beginning to crumble right before my very eyes.

But at least she was still interested in reading the script.
That was something at least!

I watched her for a moment or two as she read quietly to herself, ignoring my presence. But I didn't want that. I needed her to be on my side when the news eventually broke about my true parentage. It would mean the world to me if she just shrugged it off as no big deal.
Although I feared that might not happen.

My stomach twisted and I began to feel incredibly nervous.
I shouldn't build this up too much in my head. It was going to be bad enough as it was, without me putting undue pressure upon myself.
I shuffled in my chair and heard an irritated sigh coming from my sister sat opposite me as she turned over a page.
Leaning forward slightly, I was curious to know where she had got to in the script, but even though I was making it obvious that I wanted her attention, she still continued to ignore me.

"So". I began in an attempt to quell the atmosphere that was now beginning to build up between us.

"How are you getting on with reading that ?". I asked.

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