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Harry p.o.v

The next morning I woke up with just Fred. He is hugging me from behind face at my neck. I turned over and cuddled to him. "Morning Harry." He mumbled.
"Morning." I said as George came in from the bathroom.
George jumped into bed behind me holding me to him. "Good morning my cutie." George said.
I cuddled up to him and he kissed me cheek. "We should get to breakfast." Fred said getting up.
"Oh come on fred. Can't we take a sick day and just cuddle harry." George said.
Fred laughed and said, "if we do Hermione will kill us."
Both me and George agreed that will happen and got up. Once we were ready we got up and went to the great hall.
Ron and Hermione greeted us as we sat down Hermione saying, "bout time you two came. Thought I'd have to go wake you myself."
"We can be responsible 'mione." George said.
"You can trust us." Fred added.
Hermione raised an eyebrow and said, "I'm not sure if I can. You two are notorious for trouble." Hermione said then began eating.
"There not that bad Hermione." I said.
George began putting food on mine and his plate as Fred began picking his own and getting me some to. I slowly ate what they gave me as we talked with our freinds. Once the last of the students walked in Dumbledore made the announcement the classes are canceled due to the schools that are coming today at dinner, meaning last minute preparations.
Once we finished eating. Hermione decided to drag us to the library.
Ron convinced Hermione to let him run off saying it's important but not what. "I just don't understand where he keeps going." Hermione said shaking her head.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"He has been running off alot lately. Won't say we're to though." Hermione said as we walked into the library.
I frowned thinking it'd be nice to know. Then I got a wonderful idea. I found us a secluded table and took out the marauders map. I swore I was up to no good then opened it trying to find his name but it's no were. "But. We're can he be?"
"There is only one place-"
"That we know-"
"That's not on the map." Fred and George said.
"Where?" I asked.
"It's on the 7th floor."
"Across from Barmy."
"It's a great room."
"Gives you whatever you need." Fred and George replied.
"And how do you know of this?" Hermione asked.
"Running from Fitch once."
"Needed to hide."
"Door came from no were."
"After that we kept going back."
"To see if it's real." Fred and George explained.
"And you think Ron found it?" I asked.
"Or whoever."
"He is with." They said.
"Why will you think he is with some one?" Hermione asked them.
They just shrugged and turned the map over to the seventh floor. They pointed out were the room is so we kept wach.

Fred p.o.v

   Hermione grabbed some books so we can study as we see what Ron is up to. And it won't surprise me if Ron is with any one. I bet it won't surprise George either. As we keep watch me and George decided to invent more pranks.

After almost an hour of waiting Ron's name appears on the map. And began heading to the Griffindor tower. Then draco's name appears and went the opposite direction. I noticed Harry's tail fluff up and he said, "He was with Malfoy?"
"How can he do that?" Hermione asked.
Me and George went back to our project not sure what to do.
"How about we go and talk to ron. Make him see his mistake?" Hermione suggested.
Harry did not seem to like it so I said, "or we can do nothing?"
"Oh come on Fred. Don't you see that this is wrong?" Hermione said.
"How is it wrong? Ron I am sure is happy and content with his relationship, would you be mad at Harry if Draco was his mate?" George said.
"Harry would not have chosen and would have a safe relationship since it's a mate bond. Ron chosen and for all we know may be in danger." Hermione said.
"I-I agree. W-with Fred and G-George." Harry said his ears flat against his head.
Hermione looked shocked and said, "But Harry, Malfoy is your enemy. He called me the M word and bullied you. How can you be okay with Ron being with him."
"It's his life Hermione. He can make his own decisions, and I'm sure he'd like support, come on George and Fred," Harry said walking out his tail fluffed and moving his ears flat nervously against his head.

Later at dinner Hermione did not talk to us. Ron looked nervous and he sat with me George and Harry. Hermione is over at the other end. Dumbledore stood up at the head table and said, "today students we welcome to other schools. The first being Buxebatons."
Then a group of girls in blue coats came in dancing. Most males looked at them lustfully. Then a really tall lady that looks like a female Hagrid came in. Once they sat down we all clapped.
"Then Durmstrang." Dumbledore said.
Then males dressed in fire Coates came in with sticks that shot fire. Most girls looked at them last fully one male that I recognized as Victor winked at my Harry, I pulled him close and he cuddled to me.
Once they sat down Dumbledore stood and said, "just a reminder that only seventh years may take place in the tournament. You may all tuck In."

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