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Whispers ringing in my ears, while the shadows dance in front of my eye.

A tiny drop falls, a tiny tear, on my lips, the smile dries. 

The memories coming back to me, as I try so hard to push them away,

But my efforts are to no avail as they break the walls to make their way.

Your smile lingering behind my pupil, your laugh softer than the breezy wind

You arms when they would catch me,

Every time u saw me falling. 

You would hold me to your chest, while absently playing with my hair

Whisper sweet nothings in my auricle, 

Our eyes competing in a stare. 

Even when u had me confined during the dark, 

Protecting me from its dangerous hurdles

I couldn't ever stop the spark,

That always rocketed in my blood vessels.

But I let it all go, living in denial

I convinced myself to leave you, for ever, not a while.

You didn't put up a fight, u didn't even make a sound

Making me realise I was losing something I never found. 

It's like I've been awakened, a rule I've broken

The risk I had taken...

I Found a way to let you in, but I was always had a doubt

That I'll end up hurting us both, and that's what I did now. 

I mis judged your silence, mistaking it for ignorance 

I mis judged your love, mistaking it for play.

I guess u were tired, tired of facing my denial 

Tired of bearing the hurt inflicted on u every day.

You stopped fighting me, and you let me go, 

The time when I needed u the most, and when I needed you to show

Me that you would catch me every time I fell, and hold me tight

That you'd never let anything hurt me, that everything would go right.

Alas, came true my fears, of loneliness and pain

Guess it was my own fault, and ur no one to blame. 

I'd really wanted us to make it through, 

But now its impossible,as I'm the reason why there never was and can be a "me and you".

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