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It has been a week of marriage and there's still no sign of my so called husband. Two days ago, i went to the Faeeiz mansion and they left me with no choice but to lie to them again and again.

I woke up as early as 5am in the morning, prayed, read the holy book then took my bath.

I finished my morning chores early in today, ate my breakfast which was a simple salad with pita bread and a cup of coffee.

5 minutes later,

"but mom what if she embarrasses me like throw me out of her house and mom i seriously can't go to her house alone," i explained.

"Don't worry hanan its for peace sake. I would send yusra to your home now so start getting ready ok?" I nodded as if she was in front of me then disconnected the call.

Mama please why? How can i go to my co wife's house for peace sake Allah yasa ma she would let me into her house. Mama suddenly called me today and told me to go to malika's house. To greet her because that's what I'm supposed to do. Her words not mine.

I changed into a green ankara.

I sat on the couch waiting for yusra to arrive but aside from that, don't i have to tell my so called husband about this.

"Assalamu Alaikum adda hanan." yusra said as soon as she step into the house.

"Yusra!" God I'm so happy finally after a week i get to see my stubborn sister again. I pulled her into a hug. She hugged me back saying, "how are you and everything?"

All of a sudden I started crying, "what's wrong with you adda hanan? Is something wrong?" She asked worriedly.

"No it's nothing. I'm fine i promise, I'm just happy to see you." She smiled and pulled me with her saying, "Good now let me make you up." Yusra is a make up artist but I didn't feel like doing anything to my face so I rejected. After constant nagging, I finally decided to let her do it.

"Okay but I want a simple nude makeup."
"Whatever you say maam" yusra replied smiling. She pulled me to my room and sat me down in front of my dressing mirror. She grabbed my makeup bag and pulled everything she needed out.

About 15 minutes later, I literally begged her to stop. She finally finished whatever she was doing on my face.

"Adda you look awesome, malika or whatever her name is would fall heads over heel for you." Yusra said which made me blush before grabbing my black veil and draped it over my body.

I made sure to lock the the house before going out.

"Hajiya ina kwana. (Madam good morning)" The gate man greeted. I smiled at him and said, "ina kwana baba."

After the pleasantries, i held yusra's hand and walked to the house adjacent to mine, which happened to be my co-wife's house.

My hand started shaking as I reached for the door bell. "Adda hanan relax." Yusra whispered ringing the door bell. I nodded.

We waited for about three minutes, before a lady in her mid twenties opened the door. "Sannun ku,"
"Sannu." We smiled at her.
"Who are looking for?" She asked. "We are here to see malika" Yusra answered.

"Who are you?" the lady asked looking puzzled. "Tell her hanan is here to see her."

Meanwhile, Malika along with her sisters were all seated in the parlor gisting when they heard malika's maid talking to hanan. "Tell her hanan is here to see her."

The maid walked into the parlor, "Hajiya malika someone called hanan is here to see you."

Malika looked up from her phone, "and who is that?" She asked. "I don't know too."
Hanan that was standing by the door way heard what was going on in the parlor but she just kept quiet. Just then the maid walked up to her, "she wants to know who exactly you are and why you are here."

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