Chapter 3

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I headed to the staircase and quietly crept up to the second floor, with electricity humming beneath my feet. My heart threatened to jump out of my ribs, crushing my lungs in turn.

I took one last glance at Ned's corpse, laying down on the stained floor, his last embrace of the world only to be taken away by a group of assholes.

Don't worry Ned I will get to the bottom of this. I just need more time to figure this out

I entered a bedroom and pulled the door close with a soft click. I stopped standing in the room with the moonlight washed over me. The entire universe seemed to be plotting against my existence at this point.

I hurried across the room and yank against the window frame... but the bottom edge is painted over. I pulled harder, counting my breaths as the paint cracked.

That's it... almost there don't betray me trembling hands

The frame screeched.

I'm blaming my brain for malfunctioning

Footsteps began approaching from behind. I counted the seconds to match my heartbeat to ensure that I focus on my breathing.

After a few tries counting the seconds, the window ripped open with a loud crack. It came into a rusty noise collapsing the window with specs of dust sprinkling my face.

I heard a shout somewhere in the house, as a drum of footsteps threatened my ears from behind, accelerating the already rampant pounding on my heart.

Tossing my shoes down the grass below, I climbed up on the headboard to make my escape.

Until a hand grabbed my ankle and yanked me to the ground. As a hooded figure pinned me with its hand clamped on my throat.

"Stop struggling!" A man shouted as he took out a knife.

I thrashed out, slamming my feet onto his face, his stomach, and his chest, as his grip suddenly slackened... giving me enough time to escape.

"Stop covering yourself in hood, you coward!"

The other figures walked in, just in time for me to dive out of the window before they could stop me.

I slammed into the ground with a sharp pain in my back, and the breath kicks out of my lungs as my vision started to haze. I groaned, expecting the throbbing pain made me count my breaths, trying to calm down as my throat ached.

I'm crossing that one out on my bucket list!

With every little muscle on my body, I began to crawl just like what I practiced in my training.

Almost there please just work dammit!

Hopeful pride overcame my body as I began to stand up, still wincing at the impact from the ground.

That is when my legs buckled as if they were tied up, dropping on the ground collapsing my entire body. I felt a sudden brightness blocking my vision, with a voice whispering behind my ear.



My eyes fluttered open, catching a sight of the sun's glare, planting a kiss on my cheek.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2023 ⏰

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