WroetoBehz #1

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Vik's POV

The party was in full swing and everyone was smashed. Everyone but me and Tobi, we had just reached the tipsy stage. I was a state when I was drunk and Tobi barely drinks as it is but we had a reason to drink, Simon hit 5 million sub's and Harry hit 15 million sub's, so we threw a party to celebrate.

We had invited a lot of people and there was some people that I didn't actually know.

The music was blasting, bass pumping, sweaty bodies grinding on each other all around the house. I so badly wanted to dance like that with Josh but I couldn't because we weren't out to anybody.

I was currently stood in the living room, watching everyone dancing together and just having fun.

All of a sudden, I saw Harry and Ethan grinding on each other, which was extremely weird. Then Ethan turns around so he's facing Harry and kisses him with so much passion and lust.

Half the room was in shock and the other half was wolf whistling, with me being the first half.

At the sudden sound of nobody partying and concentrating on them, Harry and Ethan pulled away from each other, looked at around the room at everyone's faces, looked at each other and then left the room as quick as possible, what with the place being filled with people.

I squeezed my way through the sweaty room and made my way to the kitchen, where I saw Josh, Simon and JJ talking and laughing.

I made my way over to them.

"Guys, you'll never guess what I just witnessed?!"

They all turned their attention to me and JJ said "What did you just witness, Vik?"

I replied "Harry and Ethan grinding on each other and making out, like full on making out, then they left the room once they realized everyone was watching them."

They all laughed and Simon said "Yeah right, Vik. They would never do that."

I sighed and replied with "Well, if you don't believe me maybe you should ask someone in the living room or go up to one their rooms. I guarantee you would find them sucking each others faces off or having sex."

They all look at each other and JJ says "Maybe we'll do just that."

I sigh and said "Before you do so, go and get Tobi, Lux and Freezy."

He nods his head. We all follow him to go and find the guys.

When we found the guys, we explained and they followed us upstairs.

We first walked towards Ethan's room and JJ slowly and carefully opened up the door and poked his head through.

He closed the door, turned round and said "Not in there."

We then made our way to Harry's room. JJ opened the door like he had done with Ethan's.

He poked his head through the gap and looked in.

He moved his head and nodded at us. We all took turns looking in at them. Turns out I was right, with the second scenario I gave.

We all headed back downstairs and went straight to the kitchen to grab ourselves drinks.

We all drank to try and get rid of the image that was burned in our brains, allowing ourselves to get drunk.

But no amount of alcohol can get rid of that image for as long as we live.

*The Next Morning*

Me, Josh, JJ, Tobi, Simon, Lux and Freezy were all sat down in the kitchen nursing hangovers.

We heard movement from upstairs and a few seconds later, Harry and Ethan walked into the kitchen.

Me and the guys all looked at each other and nodded at Josh.

Josh said "Where did you guys get to last night? None of us saw you after 9."

Harry said "Well, I threw up and Ethan heard me, so he took me up to my room and slept in there with me in case I needed to puke again and I didn't really wanna be left on my own."

We all look at each other and Josh said "Don't lie to us Harry."

Harry said "I'm not."

JJ said "Cut the bullshit. Vik told us what happened in the living room last night and then we went upstairs to investigate cause we didn't believe him and we saw you guys having sex. So yeah, you are lying. Cut the bullshit and tell us what's going on!"

Harry and Ethan blushed and looked at each other.

They sat down on the two stools closest to the kitchen door.

Harry sighed and said "We were hoping you guys wouldn't find out this way. But me and Ethan are dating and we have been for a year."

Simon said "What?"

Ethan said "Me and Harry have been dating for the last year and we didn't want you guys to know until we were ready because we thought that you would hate us or kick us out of the house or the group and shit like that."

Tobi said "We could never do that to you guys. We don't hate you and we're not gonna kick you out either. We support you fully no matter what."

The rest of us just nodded in agreement. Simon said "Ethan, why didn't you tell me bro? I'm your best mate."

Ethan said "Because I didn't want you to think I was disgusting or think of me any differently. I thought you would hate me and I couldn't handle that."

Simon said "I could never hate you, Ethan." He then stands up and goes and gives Ethan a hug.

Me and Josh look at each other as if we both know what the other is thinking.

I said "Uh guys?"

They all turn their attention to me and nod their heads to signal that they are listening.

Josh said "Me and Vik have been dating for the last year and a half. We thought it'd be best to tell you guys now."

Everyone said "Aww."

Simon said "I kinda always guessed that you guys were dating cause you would have a lot of flirty banter a lot of the time, especially in GTA V videos."

I said "Well, now you don't have to guess."

We all laughed. For the rest of the day, we carried on as normal, as though nothing had happened.

I'm so glad that the guys accepted me and Josh and Harry and Ethan.

They actually make a kinda cute couple.

Me and Josh are gonna have some competition then as to who's the cutest couple...

Word Count - 1099

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