Author's Note

897 32 5

I just wanted to say thank you 3k reads. I never knew I would get that far :D
To be honest, I wasn't suppose to play with my phone/tablet doing this week because of exam but oh well.

I have good news and bad news.

The good news

I already had an idea what will the sequel for this story, Yes there will be a 2nd book.
For your information, I really wasn't planning to make a sequel. Thanks to the lovely/funny comments, so why not have a sequel?

The bad news

I may publish the sequel in December :(
Exam had made me stress out so I can't think straight and my english turn worse right now. Bad grammar and tense.

But don't worry, I'll survive this exam and I will try my best to make the sequel more interresting :3.

That's all for now.


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