Thrusday, May 8th, 2014.

4 0 1

Poison & Wine - The Civil Wars

Dear Bradley,

I am tired of the word [blanked out for personal reasons] meant for enjoyment, it was only meant for survival. I apologize if this letter suddenly becomes an argumentative essay, but I must confess my frustrations towards this word and the struggle it causes.

Before I let this particular subject take over this letter to you, how have you been? I know you won't answer this since this won't be sent to you, but I just feel like I should ask.

Especially since it will officially be 2 years (to be exact) since I have had contact with you, coming June 15th. I always wonder how you are, honestly. I hope you're happy. I hope your family life is better than it was since the last time I spoke to you. I hope nothing happened to you which caused our abrupt ending. Even though it would hurt me, I hope that you just decided to leave due to your own personal health, whether emotional or physical, I would hope that would be your reasoning.

A goodbye would have eased the pain of your departure though.

It's whatever. The more I ponder over it, the more I begin to miss you.

However, even when I begin to not miss you and move on, I will never forget you. You will forever remain my first love, Bradley. Even if you don't know that, you'll always have that place.

Well, this letter has gotten personal real fast, ha. Forgive me for creating this awkward moment, that I know you would cringe at if you were to ever read this. Though I know you never will, there is still that tiny crack of hope that you will.

There goes another personal moment. I'm sorry.

Oh, but how I miss your taste of music. I crave for your song selections that I always seem to fall in love with. We were music soulmates after all, wink wink.

While writing this letter I begin to wonder if anyone will ever read this? More than likely not since I'm a "keep to myself" type of person. Something you may or may not have known, hah.

I miss you. I miss talking to you. I miss our in-depth conversations. However, there is no need for mourning over the lost connection that I once had and cherished.

Well, I feel like this letter is enough for today.

Until next time.

See you later, Bradley.

I hope.

Yours Truly,


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