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Trump has been president for too long, wowowow I realized how much he succed. Trump Stans on Twitter dot com are currently breaking into my house. There was a re-election, but he got -2 votes and Joe Biden put anthrax in the white house mailbox so Trump decided to go on Vacation.

Trump says he's going to build the wall himself now, so I'm gonna visit Mexico while I still can. I gotta ride in an airplane for 5 hours doe, so I brought my Slime and Takis so any Trump Stans will think I'm a basic white girl and decide not to take a dump on my front porch.


"AYOOO wake your ass up-pika!!!"

A 20-foot-tall RIPPED body-building Pikachu shook me awake, grabbing my shoulder. He raised his fist, about to beat me up. No shit this guy was massive, mans had 69 pack or something. I was about to get my ass whooped.

I was so scared, when suddenly I gained a massive erection. My penis is so large and huge and ginormous that it penetrated the roof of the plane, creating a vaccuum in which I was sucked out of. Instead of being ripped apart and dying, I landed on a very conveniently placed trampoline and bounced into my hotel room. Because if I died, then this story would come to end, and I would no longer own the title of sexiest and funniest person alive.

While there, I stole all the soap in the hotel and stuck an entire telephone in my urethra. While enjoying my stay, the Cuerpo de Fuerzas Especiales suddenly broke down my hotel door and arrested me, accusing me of "breaking" "and" "entering". They brought me to Margret Thatcher, who started taking her clothes off. The underside of her tit smelled like a Wendy's 4 for 4 meal. I punched her smelly ass in the face and high-tailed it outta that joint.

Wondering the streets, I was forced to explore the area around me.

Donald Trump x Reader (!!!CANCER!!!)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang