draco malfoy imagines

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*edited may 15, 2019*

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*edited may 15, 2019*

Y/N has noticed how her best friend, Draco Malfoy, has been off lately. He hasn't been himself and it frightens her a little.

She looks over from her table to see that Draco is just staring off to space. An expression she hasn't seen him wear before, fear. But what was he afraid of?

It was time that everyone got up from dinner to go to their dormitories. Draco deep in thoughts didn't notice at first everyone getting up until Blaise, his best mate since Godric knows how long, nudge his shoulder lightly, taking Draco away from his thoughts.

Y/N can't seem to hold back her curiosity, she calls out to him. "Draco!" She calls out as she sees him about to exit out.

He stops in his tracks, only to see his best friend, from Y/H running up to him with a smile. His insides have a warm feeling once he sees her. Yes, Draco was in love with her since the second year but she didn't know that.

"Walk and talk?" She asked him as she pointed towards them.

"Sure -- I'll see you later Blaise," Draco said, giving Blaise a small smile as he walks with Y/N.

There was a thick silence between them that seemed very tense. Y/N knowing something is wrong with Draco but not knowing how to put in words.

"I couldn't help but notice that you haven't been yourself." Y/N says finally to him only having him look at her out of the corner of his eye.

"I guess we can say that." He says with a slight shrug. Y/n stops in her place, Draco following her exact movement. She looks at his face to see that he has slight bags under his eyes as if he hadn't slept for days. His hair, messy and not it's usual well-kept style.

"Draco...i know there's something wrong with you. Please tell me, i-i will do anything in my power to confront you o-or help you through whatever it is, just please tell me." As she said this to him, she looked into his eyes trying to search for something.

Tears well up in his eyes but trying his best not to let them fall. "I-I wish I could tell you-- I just don't know h-how I can." He says as he looks to the floor.

"Draco, please I'm your best friend since the first year, you can tell me anything." Y/N said as she placed a hand in his cheek, causing him to move his head slightly to the warmth of her hand.

"I-- it's my parents Y/N...they made me do something that--that I just had to choose to do o-or join." He said as more tears collect. Trying his best not budge into crying.

"W-what exactly is it that you had no choice or join for?" She asked him sincerity lacing in her voice.

He pulled up his sleeve slowly only to show the Death Mark on his arm. Y/N gasp as she saw that her best friend for 7 years now, had joined Voldemort.

"Oh, Draco." At this point, he was bawling his eyes out into the shoulder of Y/N's in a hug.

"A-and the worst part is-- I-I have to kill Dumbledore." He said crying even harder into her shoulder.

"Shh Draco. It's okay...you're not the only one." She whispered I'm his ear. Draco pulled away, tears staining his face as he gave a questionable look with to Y/N.

"What?" He said as he looked at the girl he loved confused.

"I-I had to join as well without question." She said as she rolled up her sleeve from her sweater.

He hugged her in a tight embrace as she now started to cry into his shoulder. "I'm scared Draco." She said as he held onto him tighter.

"It's okay love, I am too." He reassured her that she is not the only one afraid.

"Il-love you." She said to him as he pulled away slightly and kissed his lips passionately and slowly.

Shocked, was the feeling going through Draco's body but soon turned into a loving feeling in him as he kissed her back, holding onto her waist lightly as if she would break under his touch.

Fireworks is the word to explain the feeling they both felt as they continued to kiss. Pulling apart to they're dismay, put there forehead against one another catching their breaths with smiles on their faces.

"We're in this together, good and bad," Draco said to Y/N as he placed a tender kiss on her lips.

"Always." She said in the kiss.

They linked hands together as they continued to walk. "Be mine?" The question was popped into the air leaving Y/N all flustered and red.

"A-are you serious?" Y/N asked him.

"Of course I am. You mean the world to me, and I've been in love with you since the first year. Merlin, trust me I wouldn't be here asking you to mine if I didn't, now would I?" He said with a sweet smirk on his face.

"I guess you wouldn't." Y/N said as she giggles a little at the end.

"Now-- would you be mine?" He asked her once again and he held both of her hands.

"Yes, a billion times yes." She said as she grinned ear to ear.

Draco's smile grew even more now knowing that the love of his life is finally his. He grabs her by the waist, lifting her in the air as he twirls her around.

Squeals and giggles escape Y/N's mouth as she finally got the person she loves that most by her side forever.

"Come on let's go to my room and sleep," Draco said as they made their way to his Prefect room.



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