Chapter 5

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Lemon starts here
Natsu carried you to what you though was his house. He kicked open the door and took you to his bedroom. He set you down on to your feet.

You bit your lower lip and let out the breath that you had been holding back and nodded finally giving in to the dragon slayer

Roughly capturing your lips, he moved his hands from your neck, back to your face. Pushing his body closer to yours, he deepened the kiss. You gasped and closed your eyes as the dragon slayer transferred his attention to your neck, lightly nipping on the slim column. Gripping his muscular arms, you leaned back making the dragon mage move one step forward effectively trapping him between the wall and his fiery heat.

When Natsu moved back up to capture your lips, You clutched at his shoulders as he swept his tongue inside to tangle with yours. Smirking into the kiss he reached moved the hand that had effectively trapped you and cupped your ass. Natsu gripped the zipper of your shirt and pushed it off from you, exposing your scantily covered chest. murmuring in approval, the dragon slayer pushed you up until he was able to nibble at the edges of your bra.

Moaning softly, You transferred your grip from his shoulders to his hair. The dragon slayer set fire to one of his hands and burned your underwear and skirt off. You growled at Natsu but at the same time tried to cover your body with your arms, cheeks tinged bright pink. The dragon slayer merely growled at you, wanting to see all of you. He grabbed your wrists and pushed them above your head. His mouth then latched to one perky tip, enjoying when he heard you moan at his actions.

You Shuddered in pleasure, as Natsu forced you onto the bed. Growling, the fire dragon slayer gripped his prize and grinned

Taking your hand in his, he lowered his head and buried his face in the crook of your neck, breathing in your scent. he moaned softly feeling the stirrings of lust deep in his belly.

Nibbling on your neck,he lifted his head and looked down into your soft (e/c) orbs. "(F/n)?"

You smiled softly up at your dragon slayer, "I know... it's ok." tugging your hands from his grasp, you wrapped your slender arms around his neck, "I trust you."

Breathing in deeply to control his lust, he gritted his teeth, "I'm afraid I might hurt you (f/n). once I let go, I won't be able to stop myself..."

You smiled softly and leaned your head towards his face resting your forehead on his.

"Whatever happens, I know you'll protect me. even from yourself" gripping his face in between your hands you forced him to look you in the eye "You won't hurt me Natsu. I know you won't."

With your words the dragon slayer discarded his clothes onto the floor along with his trusty scarf.

He captured your lips to his. moving his hands down your arms, he moved to a kneeling position, effortlessly taking your almost limp body with him. You moaned out loud as Natsu's hands skimmed all throughout your body, touching you in all the right places, making you cling to the him tightly. You gasped when you felt his hands slide between your folds.

"Fuck... Natsu..."

At your soft wail, Natsu gritted his sharp canines, resisting the urge to completely ravage you as he lowered your body back down onto the bed. Every move, every moan, was causing him to slowly loosing control over himself. Hissing as he felt your walls tighten around his fingers, and your alluring scent washed over him, he clenched his fists and punched the bed near you as you came. Leaning back, he pulled his fingers from her sticky core, looking at his dripping wet fingers, he sniffed it before groaning out loud, putting the digits in his mouth, he let your flavor wash over him..

Stroking your legs, he positioned himself between and nibbled at your neck before he surged into your waiting warmth.

You gasped as your hands reflexively gripped your dragon's muscular arms, tears pooled at your lids as Natsu continued to move inside you. hissing in pain, you wanted to tell him to stop, but looking at his closed his, face puckered in concentration, you bit your lip and kept quiet, you had a feeling how much Natsu was trying to hold back to prevent himself from hurting you.

Gritting your teeth against the pain, you closed your eyes to just try and wait it out, let dragon spend himself... after all, this was what you had accepted... what you wanted as well... and knew damn well that this was what Natsu was warning her about. (E/c) orbs snapping wide open when you felt his fingers rubbing at your clit, you gasped as a wave of pleasure washed over you, completely overriding the pain.

Your eyes finding Natsu's own dark eyes, you mewled when you felt the pain subside only to be replaced by pure pleasure. Arching your back, your dragon lowered his head and suckled at one pert tip while continuing to play with your aching nub and surging into her body. forgetting where you were at the moment, you let out a shriek that echoed through out the hous as the pleasure washed over you

Natsu eyes turned dark as his sanity completely left him as he felt you clench around him. Gripping your hips, enjoying the feel of you shuddering beneath him, the dragon slayer snapped his hips again and again, burying himself deeper in you, he let his instinct take over. Throwing his head back, he let out a loud roar, pulling his teeth back over his sharp canines as he continued to pound into you. Feeling the heat pool in his belly, instinctively, he knew he was at his limit.

Looking down at you, he pounded into your body harder, his grip tightening on your hips, he lowered his head and gritted his teeth. Growling out, he threw his head back again before burying his face into your neck, his sharp canines locking down on your soft neck. His growl of triumph mingling with your shriek of pleasure as both of you came at the same time.

Unlocking his lips from your neck, he licked his mouth, slightly grimacing at the taste of your blood, he lowered his head again at the crook of your neck and started to suck on the shallow wound, earning a soft moan from you. Completely spent, he grinned weakly as he eyed the bright red mark on your neck... "Mine..." he whispered before his eyes completely closed.

Natsu x reader: mating seasonWhere stories live. Discover now