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Cassie's eyes started filling with tears as she cupped her mouth with her hand. She struggled to get out the simple response before hanging up the phone. She turned slowly to face me and just like that, broke down to tears.

"Cassie." It was all I could say before pulling her into me, holding her tightly so the pieces of her heart would fuse back together.

Her sobs became harder and I could feel their cold wetness against my shoulder as she tugged against my shirt.

"She's gone. She's gone." She said in between sobs.

My mind instantly went to Clarke as she's the only reasonable person who could make Cassie this upset. "Who's gone Cassie?"

I felt Cassie sniffle against my chest before pulling away. Wiping her stained red cheek of hers of tears.

"My mother." Her voice broke and it somehow was able to make my heart shatter in pieces seeing her this way. "She, she killed herself."

"Cassie." Again that was all I had to say without breaking down along side her. I took a deep breath before pacing, contemplating everything.

"I should be mad or angry." Cassie then says. "But all I feel is guilt. I could of done something. I could of saved her!"

"Cassie there's nothing you could of done." I explain. I tried to grab her hands bet she pulled away; hugging herself.

"She need me William!" She yelled. "She had a cry for help and I ignored her. I should of talked to her. I should of called."


Cassie looked me in the eye. Her brown eyes filled with tears tears and her cheeks red.

"William I can't do this anymore."

"Do what?" I ask. I could feel the lump in my throat start to form and the moisture inching closer to my eyes.

"This." She pointed at the both of us. "I need to go home. Back to the life before you. Before any of this."

"Please don't go." I felt a tear form in my eye. Slowly gliding down my face.

"I can't stay here." She cried. "I can't be in your world."

"What about the contract?" I then ask, there's no way my father won't be upset and do drastic measures if she gets up and leave.

"I can't handle this anymore. I should of stayed under the spotlight where people like me belong."

She walked towards the door. I grabbed her wiping her to face me, "Cassie please." I watched as the tears filled her eyes more. Or maybe they were mine.

"I can't William." She yanked her and away and slammed the door behind her.

I felt my hand make a connection with the wall and my knuckles screaming at me in pain. I held my hand close to my chest in pain. groaning while tears streamed down my face. Not tears of pain, no tears of heartbreak of my heart being broken down into millions of pieces. It hurt worse than anything I've imagined. Like being shot in the chest.

"William!" Angie screamed, knocking furiously against the hotel door. "William!"

I gulped down the tears, "go away!"

"I will not go away because now there's a hole in my bedroom wall!" She yelled back. "Now open this goddamn door before I get Bob to break it for me!"

I twisted the knob and Angie came storming in, first examining the new hole the size of a fist. "What the hell William- oh my god what happened?"

I wiped the tear that fell on my cheek with my good hand as Angie stared at me. The look of a loving parent to their child.

Just one look and Angie knew that I was experiencing heartbreak. She wrapped her arms around me tight, "oh William."

"She's gone." I cried, except this time it wasn't for any other person but Cassie. "I let her leave."

"It's okay Will." She patted my back. "She'll come back."

"I don't think that's the case this time Angie." I mumbled, "I think she got pushed over the edge."

Angie continued to hug me until it hurt, but it didn't mend the broken heart of mine. It just broke it even more.


The next morning was worst than last night. Various news reported of the tragic death of Cassie's mother, who drank way too much after writing a note explaining how much she loved her daughters and wish things would of gone different. My father was originally upset about Cassie ditching everything and catching a plane ride home but it was almost like he actually understood her pain. He ripped up the contract and explained to all the news outlets that it was a neutral breakup and no one was too blame, but I know what the people are gonna say. They're gonna think she broke up with me. They're gonna torment her about it for the rest of the year.

"Knock knock." Lucas voice echoed off the walls of my hotel room.

I didn't brother looking over at him as I had no energy to do so while I slumped down on my bed. Staring at the blank television screen.

"You can't stay in bed forever William." Lucas sat at the edge, "Especially with fame like yours. People will start to riot especially against Cassie if you never showed your face again."

I groaned only because he was right. If I didn't show my face, everyone would assume that Cassie broke my heart (even though she did) and they would not leave her alone.

"I'm sorry that your heart is broken, I really am but you need to toughen up and get out of the hotel." Lucas grins, "especially since Zoe Hall is currently speaking on your behalf."

"She's what?"

He grabbed the remote and changed to news channel I didn't bother looking at. There Zoe Hall stood with a fake worried look pasted on her face like the actress she wishes she could be.

"I knew that girl Cassie was trouble. Especially when William explained to me that he actually thought he found the love of his life. When I finally met Cassie at the Yearly Awards I knew something was up especially when she barley said anything to me when I introduced myself. I knew she was gonna break William's heart by the look in her eyes. If I didn't know any better I'd think she was using William for fame I'm success. William definitely deserves someone better. Someone who would milk him of his success."

I couldn't listen anymore. I grabbed the remote from Lucas's hand and slammed my thumb against the power button.

"That's it." I wiped the blanket off in frustration. "She's gonna hear what I have to say. All of them will."

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