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meanwhile, the winchesters...

the engine of the impala roared as they took off.

"i swear to god if we meet one more becky..."

"dean, she wasn't insane." dean lightly chuckled, remembering becky and her obsession over his brother.

"i take that back." sam said, his eyebrows pressed together as he held the receipt in hand. dean glanced over to it.

"sammy, you didn't tell me you had a girlfriend!" he laughed.

"it's not funny." sam said, while forcing back a smile as they pulled into the parking lot of the pierpoint inn.

back to you...

you carefully parked your red de tomaso panterad outside your house. you slammed the car door behind you, approaching the steps. you fumbled with the lock, but eventually opened the front door.

"hello!" you called out. "i'm home!" you set your jacket and keys down on the coffee table. you took a seat on the couch and turned on your tv. static appeared on the screen. you tried changing channels, but nothing would get rid of it. you turned off the tv and headed up the stairs, disappointed. a sick smell fell over the house.

"jeez..." you mumbled to yourself. it smelled as if someone had cracked open three year old eggs. you knocked on your brother's door.

"gabe?" you said as you creaked open the door. and there he was, sitting on his bed playing video games.

"where's mom?" you asked. "where's mom?" you said louder. you rolled your eyes as you pulled off his earphones.

"hey!" he exclaimed.

"where's mom?"

"when are you moving out?" he screamed.

"whatever." you said as you walked out. you were twenty four and still living under your parent's roof. you weren't going to school, but you had a steady job and friends in soquel so you found no reason to move, although you thought it was rather pathetic you were still living with them. you walked into your room and closed the door behind you. you pulled out swan song, your favorite book, evidently it was also supernatural. the ending has always pissed you off, but you knew it in your heart, wasn't the end for the winchesters, although you hoped that lisa and ben would still be in dean's future. given his past relationships though, it's likely something tragic happened to them after. you opened the book and began to read, trying to absorb the smell of the pages rather than the fowl smell that filled the house. before you could finish the first page, the floor began to creak.

"gabe?" you yelled. "gabe?" you said again. you rolled your eyes and went to his room. gabe had a history of sneaking out, and you weren't going to let that happen tonight. you walked into his room.

"gabe...?" you said. you looked over to his bed and he wasn't there. "jesus, gabe." you said sighing. you took a seat on the edge of his bed and put your head in your hands. you were exhausted, and in no mood to track down a twelve year old. you were just about to leave when you saw him, with his back to the closet.

"dude, i thought you'd left." you said as you walked towards him. "gabe?" you put your hand on his shoulder and turned him around. blood was steadly flowing from his mouth and throat. you screamed as he fell to the ground. you ran back to your room to grab your phone, your shaking hands dialing 911. tears streamed down your cheeks. as you pressed call, you received a dial tone.

"goddamit!" you yelled, running back to gabe. you sat next to him and fell to the ground, sobbing. your mind was going a mile a minute- who did this? was it gabe? is there someone in the house? what's going on?

"tsk tsk tsk tsk..." you heard from behind you. you turned around to see your mom with a bloody knife standing in the doorway.

"mom?" you said. "what's going on?" you screamed at her. she smiled as her eyes turned black. "holy shit." you mumbled. your heart stopped and sweat streamed down your forehead. before you could process the situation, you began to chant the exorcism you memorized in ninth grade.

"exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica." you began. the shell of your mother began to shake, walking towards you. you sped up.

"ergo, omnis legio diabolica, adiuramus te... cessa decipere humanas creaturas, eisque æternæ perditionìs venenum propinare... vade, satana, inventor et magister omnis fallaciæ, hostis humanæ salutis..." she dropped to her knees as black smoke began to fly out of her mouth. your sweaty palms tightly grasped the anti possession symbol you wore around your neck.

"humiliare sub potenti manu dei; contremisce et effuge, invocato a nobis sancto et terribili nomine...quem inferi tremunt... ab insidiis diaboli, libera nos, domine. ut ecclesiam tuam secura tibi facias libertate servire, te rogamus, audi nos." the smoke flew around the room and exited out the window. your mom fell to the floor.

"mom!" you said as you ran over to her. she didn't respond. "mom!" you yelled. you put two fingers gently on her neck searching for her pulse. and there was none.

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