sweet emotion

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a heavy knock on your door woke you. you sprung up.

"yeah?" you yelled in a sleepy confusion. dean opened the door.

"it's twelve." he said, his eyebrows raised. you glared at him.

"so?" he scoffed.

"so, get the hell up." you stuck your tongue out at him and stumbled up, following him out the door and into the living room.

"late night with sammy?" he asked as you took a seat.

"nowhatwhy?" your body became stiff and your face red. he chuckled.

"both you and sam are sleeping in late today, so one kinda thinks-"

"shut up." you growled, afraid you were going to explode from embarrassment.

"want any breakfast? i can teach you how to find a case."

"and what makes you so sure i want to be a hunter?"

"lucky guess." he said, glancing down to your ankle where you got your anti possession tattoo on your eighteenth birthday. you lightly chuckled.

"sure. how?"

"well-" dean began. he stopped as he turned to the entrance. "morning, sunshine." sam walked into the sitting room, gently pushing his hair out of his face.

"morning." he said, taking a seat next to you. you automatically got tense.

"hi." you said; your voice flat and nervous. 

"sleep well?" dean asked.

"yeah." sam responded, glancing over at you. you quickly looked away. your face got hot again and your palms sweaty.

"sammy, how about you teach y/n how to find things that go bump in the night and i'll take a shower." dean said as he got up.

"sure." sam responded as dean left. sam grabbed him computer, placing it on the table. "so, how much do you know about hunting?" he asked.

"how to kill things, how to find some, the basics." you responded, rallying up all your strength to sound at least semi-confident.

"cool. so, um, the most common thing i'd say are ghosts. easy to find, and easy to kill." he rapidly typed things into his computer searching for a possible case. "if you want to come, we're going to need to do an easy one. guessing this'll be your first?"

"not unless you count the whole... demon thing." sam tilted his head gently to the side. his eyebrows pressed together. you sighed.

"i don't need your pity." you said as you got up.

"wait, y/n," sam said, getting up along with you. he gently grabbed your wrist, turning you around. 

"what-" you began to say. he stopped you, placing his warm hands on your cheeks, gently pressing his lips against yours. your heart skipped a beat. he pulled away from you, his hands still caressing your face. you looked up into his hazel eyes.

"well..." you sighed. "that's one way to shut me up."

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