becky rosen

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you've been living with the winchesters for a year now. you've been hunting for the last four months, and officially dating sam for six months. nothing interesting has happened... azazel is still on the loose. he's been magnificent at hiding. there are no leads, pissing off the boys. every now and then, dean will throw a raging fit, smashing things to the ground and screaming. you begin to cry, then sam yells at him, dean always screeches back, then goes into his room, slamming the door behind him. it doesn't happen to often, but whenever it does it feels terrible. afterwards, you go into his room to console him. then you talk with sam, and eventually get them to apologize and go back looking for him or searching for a case. you spend a lot of your time on supernatural archives, sharing fan fiction with the boys and laughing hysterically as they roll their eyes. you and sam sleep together now... well, not "sleep" together, but sleep together. as in, no sex. just sharing a bed. you're brosing forums when you come across a unique account...

"sam!" you call. you're sitting in the living room, and he's in the kitchen. he comes over to you, placing his hand on your shoulder as he arrives. you pull up the account. the username is becky.rosen-winchester. you laugh as you show it to him, remembering the crazy stories of the superfan dean tells you.

"i need to meet her." you say.

"no." he sternly says.

"yes!" you say, excitingly. you smile as you begin to skype her.

"no-no-no!" sam begins to say, trying to shut the laptop. you push it out of his reach. in a few seconds, she answers. "dammit." sam mumbles.

"hey... becky?" you say.

"yeah?" the screen on her side is black. you adjust the frame, so she can see sam. she screams.


"hi... becky..." sam groans.

"we're in kansas!" you chime in. "wanna meet up?" sam glares down at you and you stick your tongue out in response.

"oh... my... god... yes!!" her ear piercing screech could turn anyone deaf.

"i'll im you the details. later!" you say as you close the laptop.

"really?" you get up and wrap your arms around sam.

"really." you say, standing up as tall as you can to kiss him. you place your hand softly on his jawline, tracing it with your fingers.

"i love you."

perfect strangers- sam winchester x readerWhere stories live. Discover now