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He ran several laps before he got a hold of what he read, which was basically push yourself off harder when you step to expand distance between steps.

He still wasn't as fast as me, but if he practiced he might be.

I focused on the others, Tony was practicing hand to hand with Clint, so were Natasha and Steve. Vision and Wanda were also sparring. Bruce and Thor were nowhere to be found.

I turned back to watch Pietro when Wanda screamed.

Everyone stopped and ran over to her, Vision had burned her arm, badly.

Tony had taken Vision out of the room while Steve and Natasha looked at the burn. Clint and Pietro watched like hawks.

I tapped Steve on the shoulder, he turned towards me.

I pointed at her and raised my hand slightly.

He looked confused, Clint brought a first aid kit.

I crouched in front of Wanda and gently took her arm from Steve, he let me take it.

I grimaced as I took her injury from her. I could heal her, and I did. But that doesn't make the injury vanish. I just traded the health of my arm for hers.

I was taken aback by the pain, it hurt like hell.

They were all confused by what I'd done, but Natasha took it in her hands to bring me to medical.

I held my arm close to me as Natasha got a doctor over to treat the burn.

I flinched repeatedly as the woman treated it.

When she was finished, I left the medical room to find almost all of the Avengers waiting for me in the hallway.

Pietro and Wanda looked a little guilty.

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