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harrystyles posted a photo

2,371,936 likesharrystyles: faye took her first steps she today, i can't believe how big my baby is getting

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harrystyles: faye took her first steps she today, i can't believe how big my baby is getting

onedirectiion: ahh she's getting so big
heswolves: omg no way
tmhtomlinson: awe well done faye! can't believe how big she's getting
gemmastyles: video it and text me it now !!!!
larrystylinson28: ^^ i want this video !
gemmastyles: @larrystylinson28 i would post it but i feel like harry would kill me because he's sentimental like that but it was honestly the cutest thing. she was walking over to louis before falling into him, laughing!
harrystjles: i also need this ! ^^

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