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louist91 posted a photo

2,853,365 likeslouist91: 👨‍👨‍👧‍👧🖐🏻

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louist91: 👨‍👨‍👧‍👧🖐🏻

louisxharry: look at their little hands oh my god,, too cute
heswolves: i love this family more than i love my own...
tmhtomlinson: this is adorable aw, frame this !!!
lottietomlinson: them little hands are so scrummy, i love both of them babas 😍❤️
louist91: @lottietomlinson i kiss her hands all the time !!
onedirectiion: cute! cute! cute! look at aaliyah's little dimples oh her hands!
harrystyles: we're a good bunch ❤️
annetwist: want this photo in my house please!!! 😍💖

this is my final chapter of this book! it's carrying on over to instagram 2.0 so i thought i'd make the 200th chapter of this character answers so the next book starts on chapter 200. you can ask a question to whichever character you like and you can either ask me them on these comments or on dm :) the characters are

aaliyah (she can't talk but if you have question i'll still answer it)
me, the author
and any other characters you want like one of the fan accounts, phoebe or daisy etc. please tell me who the questions for though so i don't get confused :)

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