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tmhtomlinson posted a photo

15,937 likestmhtomlinson: ok so as you guys probably know, louis is scheduled to land in heathrow at 1:20pm

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

tmhtomlinson: ok so as you guys probably know, louis is scheduled to land in heathrow at 1:20pm. there are a lot of us at the airport already and we've just spotted harry with faye. we can't get down to where the passengers get off the plane as there are too many of us here for louis, we have been escorted to the platform upstairs but in a different section to harry. as louis has been away for just over a month we are guessing that he will go straight up to harry and faye and not come over to see us (which he totally has the right to do! this isn't a meet and greet we're literally here for the small chance of meeting him). so if you were thinking about coming down i thought i'd leave this here so you can make a judgement. if you're on your way, you can still come in there are quiet a few of us here and we all have the same thing in common so yeah :)

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