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Melinda barely had any sleep last night. She kept on thinking about Alexander. Maybe Rhoda was right. Alex could be a different guy. But she was scared to give in to him. She didn't want to get hurt again.

She could not even bring herself to reply to Alex's text message yesterday. She kept typing and erasing for like eight times. She didn't know what to type so she decided she was going to apologize to him in person, today.

Melinda had dressed up for work, She just finished having breakfast when the sound of the doorbell came through. She stood up from the dining table, straightened her clothes, and walked towards the door.

She opened the door and saw Alexander standing on the other side, looking more handsome than she could recall yesterday. Melinda did not know how long she kept staring at him until she was brought out of her trance by Alex's voice.

"Good morning Miss Davis," He greeted.

Melinda didn't know why but she felt a certain pain in her heart when Alex called her Miss Davis. But she couldn't blame him. She had told him last night that their relationship should be strictly professional and nothing more.

"Morning Alex," Mel said, clearly embarrassed. It was obvious that he noticed she was checking him out.

"I just came to tell you that the car is ready," Alex said, after which he turned to take his leave.

"Alex, wait," Mel requested and Alex turned back to face her.

"Can I talk to you for a second, Please?" Melinda asked with hopeful eyes.

She opened the door wider for him to come in and he did. After which she closed the door behind her.

Melinda was nervous. It was Alex who did the talking most of the time. He used to be the one to initiate their conversation. But now it was the other way round and she was as nervous as hell but she began anyway.

"Alexander, I'm sorry for the way I reacted yesterday. I shouldn't have acted that way and neither should I have shouted at you. I'm deeply sorry and I hope you forgive me." Mel said while looking him straight in the eye.

Alex could see nothing but remorse and truth in her eyes.

He sighed, then closed the gap between them. "It's okay, Mel. I forgive you." Alex said and Mel exhaled. It was a sigh of relief. She was glad he forgave her and did not insist on Miss Davis this time around.

"Even if you say otherwise; that you don't feel anything for me, I know it's a lie because your eyes don't lie. They tell it all. Trust me, Melinda, This is one of the hardest things I have ever done. To admit to my boss that I'm deeply in love with her. I just want you to fight for me the way I am fighting for you. What we have between us is not something that can be ignored. I understand you are going through a lot now, with your divorce and all. And I'm ready to wait for you until you are ready. I'm ready to defend our love to everyone. But if you don't want me because I'm your employee, just tell me and I will understand" Alex said while looking straight into her eyes.

"Come on, let's get going, you don't want to be late for work," Alex said as he patted Melinda's shoulder and exited her Apartment.

It took a while for Melinda to move from the spot she was standing. Alex's words had really touched her, leaving her speechless and more confused.



It was 5:03 pm and Melinda had just finished a board meeting which was held in the conference room. As she entered her Office, She was pulled into a very tight hug by Desourire.

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