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Melinda woke up the following morning feeling nauseous. She quickly jumped down from her bed and ran into the bathroom to empty the contents in her stomach.

Alexander soon appeared beside her as he moved her hair to one side and rubbed her back in the process. As soon as she was done, Alexander made her sit on the bathtub to regain her lost energy. He helped her rinse her mouth and also splashed water on her face.

"Are you sure you are okay now?" Alex asked and Mel nodded weakly. He helped her stand up after which he put some paste on her toothbrush and he watched her as she brushed her teeth. After she was done, He removed her clothes and assisted her in taking her bath. After that, he gave her a towel to dry herself while he went to bring some clean clothes for her and he helped her to wear them.

Alexander carried Melinda to the bed and covered her with the duvet. He kissed her forehead and whispered into her ear. "Take a little rest while I go make you something to eat." He said and Mel nodded before drifting back to sleep.

Soon enough Melinda was awoken by someone shaking her. She opened her eyes and Alex helped her sit up after which he fed her the pancakes he made for her.

Melinda was full to the brim as soon as Alex finished feeding her. She hoped she would be able to keep that down and not throw up again.

"Better?" Alex asked her and she nodded which made him smile and he kissed her lips.

Melinda checked the time and it was 9:08 so she decided she could still make it to work before she heads to the doctor's place.


"Stay safe, my love and if you still don't feel well, just call me and I will be here to pick you up," Alex said.

Melinda nodded after which he kissed her forehead.

"I love you, Mel," Alex said.

"I love you too," Mel replied as she gave him a quick kiss on his lips before unbuckling the seat belt and getting out of the car. She stood there for a while and waved at Alex as she watched him drive away before walking into the company.

Melinda kept herself busy with some office work until 12 when she decided it would soon be time for her appointment.


"According to what you have told me, There is a high probability that you are expecting." Regina, Melinda's doctor said.

"But while we wait for your blood test results, I will give you a test, and we shall see what it gives," Regina said and Mel nodded.

Regina left for a while and came back with a Pregnancy test which she gave Mel to go to the toilet and pee on it. Melinda glanced once more at Regina; Regina gave her a comforting squeeze and then she left for the restroom to do what she was instructed.

After she was done, Melinda came out with the test and gave it to Regina. Regina took the test from her and went back to the lab while Mel sat down and played with her hands nervously. After what seemed like years later, Regina entered the office with a big smile on her face.

"Congratulations Mel, You are six weeks pregnant. Six weeks and four days to be precise." Regina said as she handed over to Mel both the pregnancy test and the blood test results that confirmed that she was expecting.

"Melinda was overwhelmed. She was going to be a mother. She smiled at that thought as a tear rolled down her cheek. Regina awed and pulled her into a hug.


Melinda Davis was so excited about the news. It took her a lot not to call Alexander, Dee, Nate, and her parents on that same spot to tell them she was pregnant. You know, when you are pregnant, you just feel so happy and want to shout out loud to the whole universe that you are expecting a baby.

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