SIXTEEN [Finale]

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"Hi love, I hope you are as excited as I am. Today we will be introducing you to your other grandma and grandpa and also to your aunt Dee and uncle Nate. You don't have to be scared alright. I know they will love you as much as we do. So be a good kid today, alright? I will talk to you later. Daddy loves you so much, honey." Alexander whispered to Mel's stomach after which he placed a kiss on it.

Mel pretended to be asleep but she was watching what Alexander was doing. It was so adorable. Alexander was already obsessed with the growing baby in her belly. He never fails to talk to it. At least twice a day; when he wakes up in the morning and before he goes to bed at night.

"Good Morning, my love," Alexander greeted as soon as he noticed Melinda was awake.

"Morning," Melinda smiled and he kissed her forehead.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked and She nodded.

Melinda smiled. "I'm also excited for today."

It's been two days since the two lovebirds came back from Chicago. So they decided that today was going to be the day. The day where they would tell Mel's parents and their best friends about their engagement and the baby.

"What do you want for breakfast?" Alex asked, he wanted to know if she felt like eating something in particular.

"I'm okay with anything," Mel replied.

"Okay then, I will be right back," Alexander gave Mel a quick kiss on her lips before getting up from the bed to go prepare breakfast for his family.

As Alexander left to prepare breakfast. Melinda could not help with the smile that found its way to her face as she kept on wondering how lucky she was to have a fiance like Alexander.

"You're ready?" Alexander asked Melinda as he intertwined his right hand with her left hand. They were standing in front of her parent's mansion.

After pressing the doorbell twice, Rhoda opened the door.

"Melinda, my child. What a pleasant surprise!" Rhoda said as she pulled her in for a hug.

"Hi, Rhoda. It's so nice to see you." Melinda replied with a smile.

"Come on in you guys," Rhoda said as she opened the door wider for Alex and Mel to come in.

"How are you doing, Alexander?" Rhoda asked.

"I'm fine, thanks," Alex replied.

"Where's Mom and Dad?" Melinda asked.

"They are in the study room."

"You both should go check up on them while I supervise the cooking," Rhoda said and was about to excuse herself.

"Wait" Melinda stopped her.

"Is anything the ma......... OMG!" Rhoda squealed as she covered her hands with her mouth which caused Alex and Melinda to giggle.

Melinda had raised her left hand and Rhoda saw the engagement ring on her fourth finger which caused her to go speechless.

"I'm so happy for you both," Rhoda said with tears of joy in her eyes as she pulled both Alexander and Mel in a joint hug.

"You two are just so perfect for each other. God bless you both." Rhoda said while freeing them from the hug.

"Thanks, Rhoda." The lovebirds said.

"I have to get back to the kitchen to get lunch done, I will see you guys later," Rhoda excused herself.

"That was exciting," Melinda said and Alex chuckled.

He placed his hand on her lower back as they both walked towards her parents' study.

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