Fool Me Once, Fool Me Twice

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Three month's had passed since I was a fool and let Severo go. I don't know why I pulled away, I do love him so but love shouldn't be so difficult.

I continued to live there for another month but in the end I decided to go. Sasha seemed to always be there and it was too much watching them together every day. My emotions mixed inbetween wanting to gag myself on her lovey dovey mush to wanting to Poision her health shakes that she slurrped on in the most annoying way.

Yes, it was time for me to go. Within a week I found a upscale apartment near my job and informed Severo that I was moving. Just like he promised he allowed me to go without an argument, even helped me with the moving. We made arrangements as far as Aden was concerned and so far Severo seen him everyday and kept him often. He did continue to pay the nanny and his instructors as well. Two men were appointed to stay across the hall from my place as well.

Our communication dwindled down at this point. We only discussed times and dates for sharing Aden and anything that concerned Aden. However at the end of each call Severo always asked if I was okay and if I needed anything. As usual I told him I was well and doing good. It was like he wanted me to know that he was always there for me.

Yes, there was time's I wanted to chat longer, spend time with him but I assumed my chance had passed so I let it be. If he was happy then I was happy for him or as happy as I could be, but in the blink of an eye thing's changed quickly.

I had went to work as usual and had just finished up my first show and had two more ahead. I was in my private dressing room taking a break before I dressed for my next routine. Setting at my vainty, I was touching up my make-up when there was a knock on the door. It wasn't unusual for one of the other girl's to stop by for a quick chat or needing to borrow something. Thinking nothing of it, I called out. "Come in".

The door opened and a unfamiliar man entered. I turned around on my padded stool to see exactly who it was. "May I help you?" I asked.

"In more ways than you know Rachel or is it Avery now?"

I stood up and turned the light up brighter to get a better look. Once I recognized him my blood ran cold and my palms begin to sweat. "Who let you back?" I hissed.

He chuckled. "I'm a cop. No one is going to question my authority".

"Get out". I seethed pointing my finger at the door.

"Can't do that doll. I'm here to strike up a little deal".

I could only imagine what he wanted. This was the same dirty bastard that wrecked my world. The same cop that threatened me with prison if I didn't rat out Severo. "I'm not striking shit up with you". I said tilting my chin up in defiance.

"Oh I think you will. You know your too pretty for prison and they don't have shows for you to perform there."

"You can't scare me again. It won't work. I'm smarter now and I know my right's. In fact I'm pretty certain that some of the thing's you did were illegal".

He laughed revealing his tobacco stained teeth. "That's where your wrong girly. I have ways to make you talk. I know you still have connections  with Mr. Marietta. Your going to tell me what you know so I can see that bastard put away for good."

"I don't know a damn thing you fucker. Now get the hell out before I call security".

Soon as I threatened him he zoomed in on me and quickly twisted my arm behind my back shoving me face first into the wall. He leaned his oily body against my back and whispered in my ear. "Oh you'll talk. By the way Aden is such a precious little fellow. Shame if something happened to him". He said then ran his hand down my side until he palmed my ass.

At the mere mention of my son's name my fighting instincts kicked in full force and I lifted my leg up and connected my heel into his crotch. Grunting he let go and hunched over. "You'll pay for that bitch". He growled.

I took this opportunity to deliver a hammering blow to his fat jowls. His face reddened with anger and he lunged at me. He managed to grip my throat and was choking the life out of me. Nothing I did could break his hold. I started seeing spots and new I couldn't withstand much more. Doing the only thing I knew to do, I reached for his gun and got a firm grasp on it. Pulling it free from it's holster I brought it to his head and pulled the trigger.

Instantly his grip loosened as he stared into my eye's as he took his last breath. I watched as the life left his body and he fell to the floor. I held the gun in my trembling hands as I took in the bloody scene before me. Blood was quickly puzzling around my feet and specks splattered the wall as well as my face and body. A unidentified utter escaped my lips and I felt as if I was on the verge of insanity. Sliding down the wall I brought my knees up to my chest still holding the gun. It was if my mind was frozen and the only coherent thought was saying call Severo.

I reached over and grabbed my phone. It took several attempts before I could place the call due to my severe trembling. Finally I heard his voice answer and I broke. "I-I need you now Severo. I've, I've done something b-bad."

I could detect the worry in his tone. "Avery what's going on? Where are you?"

"W-work. I'm at work".

"I'm on the way. Tell me what's happened".

My mind zoned back out and I dropped the phone into the bloody pool. I could hear Severo's frantic yells as he tried to get me to speak, answer him, but my mind was shutting down. This couldn't be happening, I will go to prison now.

I had to idea of time but all I could remember from that night was Severo rushing in the door with his gun drawn.  He took in the scene before him and sped to my side. Squatting down to look at me, my eye's remained focused on the blood not him. He was talking but I don't know what he was saying. He had to literally pry the weapon from my shaky hands.

As if I was coming out of a dark tunnel I finally recognized him. "Severo". I muttered.

"Shhhh sunshine. Everything's okay. You'll be okay. I'm here now baby".

My bottom lip started to quiver and reality hit me hard. A sob tore from my throat and I rushed into his arm's. Severo stroked my hair and back and hummed soothing word's into my ear.  Scooping me up, he carried me away from that horrid scene.

The next morning I woke up in the familiar bed at the Hacinda. After a moment it all came rushing back to me and I sat up with a start.

"Whoa there". I recognized Severo's voice and spotted him sitting in a chair beside the bed. Gingerly I laid back against the massive pillows. I noticed the blood was washed off me and I was in Severo's shirt. Not a trace of evidence was on me. I was squeaky clean. My hair had even been washed and I smelled of lavender and chocolate, no metallic blood smell.

Severo ordered me some breakfast to be sent up and suddenly another thought slammed into my mind. "Sitting back up I screeched. "Aden?"

"Relax. He's in the game room with the nanny. Your all safe here".

Nodding I leaned back again and gently touched my bruised neck. Severo instantly handed me something for pain and a cooling pack. "I understand if you don't won't to discuss what happened but I really need to know".

"It was him Severo, the cop that threatened me with prison. He came back and wanted me to turn you over again but I refused."

I was crying now and my word's were tumbling out rapidly. "He didn't like that so he attacked me and threatened Aden and started rubbing his hands all over me if I didn't reveal something. Well I fought him back this time but he got the upper hand. He's started choking me and I couldn't get free. I thought I was going to die so I grabbed his gun and I, I shot him. I killed a man". I sobbed.

"Shhhh.... relax baby. I took care of everything. His body will never be found and there's no evidence of him being there last night. I had all the camera's erased and the room has been thoroughly cleaned, painted and new rug. He will just be considered a missing person. You will be fine".

I sobbed and asked. "Are you sure?"

He gave me his dazzling grin. "I'm Severo Marettia. No one is going to question me".

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