Moving On

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Soon as I heard Severo say they would be pulling out at midnight my nerves crawled. My worry gnawed at me but I had faith that he'd come back home safely. Needless to say sleep was impossible that night and no matter what my mind stayed on him.

As soon as my phone beeped I answered. I probably answered too eagerly and hopeful like a girl that's been waiting for a boy to call. "Hello" I chirped alittle too brightly for someone who has had no sleep.

I heard Severo's chuckle on the other end of the line and it was like a calming effect washed over me. He was safe and that's all that mattered. "Hello Sunshine, I'm on my way home".

I released a deep breath that I'm sure he heard. "Are you okay? And the other's?"

"Everyone is fine and it's all over. The problem has been taken care of. I'm guessing you haven't slept, am I right?"

Realizing how tired I really was I answered through a yawn. "I couldn't. Not with you out there."

"Relax babe. It's all over now and I'll be home soon. Now go on to bed".

"No. Not until your home". I insisted.

To my surprise Severo didn't put up an argument. He simply said he'll be home soon and we could rest. After we disconnected I wondered downstairs and fetched me a glass of juice. I sat by the back patio door and awaited his arrival. As soon as I saw the train of headlights enter the back gates I tore out the door. When Severo emerged from his SUV I ran up to him and threw myself into his arm's. Embracing me back, he placed a kiss atop my head. "Come on Ave, let's get you to bed".

Thistime I didn't argue, I allowed him to lead me in back up to our private quarter's. After he made sure I comfy in bed he went to shower. By the time he crawled under the covers, I had barely dozed off but I wiggled myself up against his side. A chuckle escaped him as my protruding belly nudged into him. Gently, he placed a hand on my bump and lovingly stroked it. "Get to sleep baby. I'm home and everything is going to be okay." He reassured me.

My only reply was to nod my head and snuggle in closer. It didn't take long before sleep overcame the both of us.

When I woke the next morning Severo was already dressed and had breakfast waiting for us. Sitting up still covered by sleeps fog I shot him a lazy smile. I don't know why but I suddenly burst into tears. Severo's brows knitted together with confusion and worry. Immediately he was by my side. "What's wrong? Is everything okay?" He asked somewhat panicked.

I shook my head yes. "It's just the event's of the past few weeks mixed along with my pregnancy hormones and, it's all catching up to me. I kept thinking last night what would happen if you didn't come home."

Severo pulled me close and kissed the tip of my nose. "Tell you what, today I'll say the hell with work and we'll do whatever you like. If you want to go out, we'll go out. If you want to lay around all day watching t.v. we will do just that. Now eat and decide what you want".

After eating and a shower I decided to go out and shop for the baby. We took Aden with us along with a extra car that had a few of his men in it for added protection. Severo was overly cautious these day's but I couldn't fault him there. Even though I knew the men were near by I never did see them so it didn't feel so intrusive. We enjoyed shopping, a nice lunch out and spending time with Aden at the park. By the time we returned home we all felt better and more relaxed.

However that didn't last long. Soon Tallon approached with more news that I wasn't to fond of hearing. The Harper's sent the e-mail back with all the details worked out. Severo would be leaving for New York by the end of the week and could be gone for several day's. "Let Aden and I join you". I insisted.

"I would love nothing more than to Avery but this is business. It could be risky and I want have you involved. From what I've heard the Harper's are trustworthy people but anything could go wrong in this business.  Your better off here".

I did understand what he said but I didn't want to accept it. I didn't want to be away from him for any amount of time right now. Normally I wasn't this clingy but due to the prior circumstances I lived with worry over him.  I knew once I had the baby I'd chill out a bit. I finally just nodded my head and sulked off to watch t.v. As I got ready to plop myself down upon the couch I was surprised by Severo coming up from behind me and wrapping his arm's around my waist. Before I could protest he crushed his mouth down upon mine and kissed me senseless.

I felt my anger and frustration melt away as he pulled toward the bedroom. With all the chaos that had been surrounding us lately we both hadn't had time to think about sex. Not only that, Severo was more hesitant about sex with me in this condition even though the doctors assured him it was safe. Yet he feared it could cause harm.

Before we even made it to the bed we had both stripped the other from our clothing. Severo laid down on his back and pulled me on top of him. I didn't waste a second sliding him inside of me. We didn't hold back for anything and it was clear we were both craving the other as well as a release. As the first wave washed over me I could feel the stress evaporate and wanted more. Digging my nails into his chest I sped up my rocking and hip rotation. I was taking everything that I wanted and needed and with every grunt, hiss and dirty word that left his mouth I felt the need to ride harder. As I sensed him nearing his release I pushed myself to the limits and didn't let up. Streaching my arm out, I gripped his throat and owned him. He barely managed to squeeze out "fuck" as his body was consumed with sweet release. I fell limp against his chest in a sweaty, breathing mess. We laid there in a sex sedation for the longest time.

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