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ding, ding, ding

my phone has been vibrating and ringing all morning, what the hell?

my phone comes up with all of these notifications :


diego : where did you go last night?

diego : im worried?

diego : you okay?

diego : we still up for that friends with benefits type thing?

diego : i miss you, let's meet up for round 2 ;)

diego : text or call me when you wake up

4 missed calls


what the fuck? who's diego?

i rub my eyes and get up out of bed, i collapse to the floor and forget about the massive headache i have, i spin around and see that jade was crashed out on the floor too

"jade! wake up!" i yell

"holy shit!" she rapidly gets up and drool is coming out of her mouth

"let's go out and eat for once"

i quickly get cleaned up, freshening up in the shower, jade has a shower shortly after me. i get changed and jump in the car, she's taking her damn time


we finally arrived to the mall, and debated on what to have for brunch.

"something quick and easy, or expensive and delicious" i ask jade

"expensive and delicious!" jade says excitedly


jade and i sat down at a restaurant, ordered what we wanted and then started to talk about last night

"my head is spinning like crazy" jade sooks

"get over it and toughen up" i chuckle

a moment of silence then...

"i was getting these random texts and calls this morning from, diego?" i say

"oh diego? doesn't ring a bell" jade says as she sips on her orange juice

"i will text back for fun, see what happens"

"ooo entertainment!" jade celebrates


(text messages with diego)

natalie : who's this?

diego : diego?

natalie : do i know you?

diego : yeah, if you remember me

natalie : nope, i don't remember you

diego : lemme refresh yo mind

natalie : mmk

diego : last night, we were talking which led onto fucking

natalie : um no sorry im a virgin so, maybe your thinking of another person

diego : uh no, you gave me your number yourself

natalie : sorry, don't remember

diego : we agreed on being friends with benefits?

natalie : once again, i don't remember you

diego : let's meet up then, maybe i can make you remember me? ;)

wow um okay, that turned me on

natalie : sure

diego : come to mine at around 6pm

natalie : i don't know where you live

diego : don't worry i'll find you ;)

natalie : creepy, but okay
i have no idea where im going with this story

Lil Xan ; just friends?Where stories live. Discover now