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still diego's POV...

i jumped in my car drove off, fuck i don't even know what's wrong with me, something's changed , everything's fucked up

most importantly my emotions and feelings. i don't have a vibe with my girlfriend anymore, maybe it's natalie im falling for, but i can't with natalie because we had a deal just no sex, no feelings

ugh i need her

right now


(phone call with natalie)

natalie : hello?

diego : come over right now, i need you

natalie : um, i was over a couple hours ago? you need me again?

diego : yes natalie, come now

natalie : im sorry, i've got studying to do

diego : i don't give a shit, come over right now

natalie : okay, see you soon

diego : thank you

natalie : it's okay, bye.

diego : i love yo-

she hung up


i finally made it to my house and i see natalie waiting on the doorstep for me, she smiled, that smile instantly lifted me

"hey i was waiting for you" she smiles

damn her smile

"i see that, come in" i unlock the door and open it up

"so why did you need me?" natalie asks

"just to talk" i say

"just talk?" she says

"maybe, but we can get to that later" i say as i pour natalie a drink

"so you know how i have a girlfriend right?"

"no you didn't tell me that" she said with a straight face

"well, i do"

"mhmm, so what about her?" natalie asked

"i was over her house shortly before this, and i went over to fuck her" i say looking at the floor

"and?" she looked at me as if she doesn't care

"i just wasn't getting hard for her you know? like i didn't feel her vibe" i said

"and what do you want me to do about it?" natalie asked

"i don't know i just" i can't spit out my words

"just what diego?" she asks

"i have feelings for you natalie and i can never get you off my mind, you are the reason why i don't vibe with my girlfriend anymore"

"i don't really know how to respond to that" she looks very awkward

"i just need you, just you, nobody else, i have the most strongest feelings for you and i want you to be mine" i say holding her hands

"let me think about this diego, it's a tough decision were we only supposed to fuck, no feelings" she let's go of my hands and pulls her hands away

"yeah i understand that" i say with sadness

"can we talk about this later, i need time to think about this" she says

"uh yeah"

"bye diego"


she gets up and leaves through the front door

what the fuck have i done?

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