Gray ~ Necklace

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 You hesitantly put your hand into the hat, and started to feel around.  You felt several things, but nothing really felt right.  Your hand grazed something, it was small and cold.  You pull it out, and inspected it.  It was a small necklace, it was shapped like a small sword.  A small blue crystal in the middle.  Wait, i've seen this before!  Max walked you over into the closet.

"W-wait!  Who is it?!"  You said as he pushed you into the closet.  As you turned the door slammed and locked.  You huffed and sat in the dark in the corner.  After a minute you heard the lock turn again and in was shoved another person.  The sudden flash of light blinded you and you couldn't tell who was pushed in.  A voice started to grumble.  Wait I know that voice!  "G-gray?"  You said standing up and walking over to where you thought he was.  Apparently he was still on the ground you tripped over him.  "Oww..."  You said rubbing your knee where you landed.

"You ok, ____?"  Gray said standing up, turning on the lights, and offering you a hand.

"Umm...I think so."  You said taking his hand, and stood up.  You expected to kinda step away and spend this entire time awkwardly blushing,  You had liked Gray for a long time, but you never said anything because you were afraid that he loved Juvia, or Lucy.  

Instead of just shuffling to the wall and standing there awkwardly like you had planned.  However instead of being released like you expected, you got pulled against his bare chest.  You squeaked a little.  "You do know what happens during this game right?"  He said looking down at you.  Your face was a bright red as you slowly nodded.  "Good," he said, "Now I have more time to do this!"  He smirked.  Quickly he pushed you against the wall and had both your wrists in his hand.  He pressed his cold lips against your warm ones.  

Your face turned an even brighter red.  He requested entry by licking your bottom lip.  You quickly came to your senses, but kept your mouth closed firmly.  But he didn't give in so easily!  He took his free hand and grabbed you butt.  You squeaked, however kept your mouth closed firmly.  

Gray took this as a challenge.  So he took drastic measures.  He released your hand and grabbed one of your breasts.  This plus his hand on your butt, you just couldn't hold it in.  You moaned, and loosened your lips.  He took this quick moment and dashed his tongue into your mouth.  You both fought for dominance, but he won.  He searched every inch of your mouth, very thoroughly.  his tongue tasted very sweet.  This went on for not much longer until he started to move his hands up your shirt.  Things were getting very passionate, but right as you were about to take off your shirt, max opened the door.  Natsu, Elfman, and Bixlow behind him.  Quickly Gray got off you and fixed his hair.  You both walked out of the closet, and right as you both got into the main room, Gray grabbed your waist, and pulled you close to him.

So this party did have a point after all!


A/N  What did you guys think?  I'm really sorry if it's bad!  I'm still open for requests.  You can ask for multiple at a time too, like if you want both Laxus and Freed or something.  I can also do it for boys too, so you can ask for girls :)  I love you all LOTS!  I don't know who to deticate this to, so first comment who is a follower gets this chapter!


{DISCONTINUED}    Fairy Tail 7 minutes in heaven (Character X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now