Jellal ~ star necklace

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You hesitantly put your hand into the hat, and started to feel around. You felt several things, but nothing really felt right. Your hand grazed something, it was small, pointed, and connected to a string. You pull it out, and inspected it. A star necklace? who would put this in? You start going through your mind trying to list off who had what magic, when out of nowhere you were being pushed. "wait who's is this?" You asked as you got shoved into the closet.

The door slammed behind you and you slowly started to feel around for the light switch. Busily going through your mind trying to find out whose necklace this is. I wish it was Jellal, heh, but what are the chances that in my first draw I'd get the guy who has my heart? Just then the door swung open and in walked a guy. He closed the door behind him right before your eyes could adjust.

You felt around some more and finally found the light switch. You flipped it on and turned around. "J-J-J-" you tried to get something out, but you were in to much shock.

"Hmm? What is it, ______?" Jellal said turning to you.

Finally gaining some of your senses back you were able to say something. "Oh! I uh..uh just wasn't expecting this belonged to you..." you held out Jellal's necklace.

"Oh, thank you." he said taking the necklace and putting it back on. You could feel yourself lightly blushing so you turned you head away quickly. "____, you ok?" Jellal asked placing his hand on your shoulder.

"What?  Oh yeah....just umm...I think I might be coming down with something..."  You said still turned away.  I could never tell Jellal how I feel!  He likes Erza!  And I don't think I could take that heart break.  

"Really, here, let me check.." Jellal reached out and lightly touched your forehead with his soft hand.  You blushed even more at his touch "You do feel a little hot, and your face is really red...Are you sure you're ok?"  Jellal said, you could hear the concern in his voice.  

"yeah, I'm fine, no need to worry.  Soo....umm..I see you and Erza are getting think you're gonna become a 'thing'?"  You ask nervously shuffleing you feet.

"I really like Erza, but there's someone else I have my eye on..." Jellal replied.  you heart sank a bit.  So not only am I behind Erza, but another girl too?  I knew I shouldn't have asked....

"Oh, really?  Who is it?"  You ask, looking at the ground so he couldn't see the tears building up in your eyes.

"What? Oh, her name is..."  Before he finished his sentence, he grabbed your chin and pulled you into a kiss.  In shock you withdrew.  "...______"  he finished his sentence.  You were as red as a cherry. 

"W-What?"  You stuttered out, backing away slightly. 

"________......I like you, I have for a long time.  It's ok that you don't feel the same way, but I'm glad you now know...." Jellal said looking away.

You mind was racing.  What should I do?! WHat should I say?!  Is this a joke?!  Jellal likes me back?!  As you stood there in though Jellal was lightly blushing.  Quickly you grabbed his shirt, and pulled him into a kiss.  He was tense at first, his face red hot.  but slowly he relaxed.  You released his shirt and ran your hands through his blue hair.  He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer to him.  This went on for a little while.  Til you heard someone clear their througt.  Quickly you bother turned to see who it was.  Max, Elfman, Natsu, and Gray were all standing by the door way. 

You pushed yourself off of Jellal, and looked down blushing.  "How long have you been standing there?"  Jellal asked calmly.

"One or two minutes..."  Gray replied.  You started to walk out the door, when Jellal grabbed your hand.  You could see a light blush on his face. 

Never in a million years did I think that a party would end with me and Jellal holding hands.......


A/N: I know I know it sucks, but to be fair, I'm no good at being Jellal.  I'm really sorry if I made you mad, cringe, or just hurt at my terrible writing.....anyway....I got a few more requests to do.....but I think I'll take one or two more....

~I love you all~

{DISCONTINUED}    Fairy Tail 7 minutes in heaven (Character X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now