chapter 1 : 12th kill

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Hey lovely wattpaders im zwelihlekwanda or ZK  no problem.  This is my first book on the app please show support and tell your friends they might like it and tell them to spread the word  *PLEASE*

The vast canopy above was star dotted but the glare of the city blocked out a majority of the billions of stars

Gemma loaded her two silver pistols and placed five grenades around her black utility belt. Her dark brown  hair tied up to a bun and her eyes were the same jet black of the tight suit she wore. Her thick soled sneakers were snug on her size four feet.

Leaving a 17 year old alone while out for a thirty minute dinner was her parents idea of house sitting. She had to be back in under 25 minutes. Gemma leapt out the top window lightly landing on the neighbors rooftop and continued. With her pro gymnastics instinct this job would be easy.

The target house loomed into view. Gemma stopped to catch her breath on a  crumbling rooftop of a small abandoned house. A gentle breeze whisked pass her as Gemma stole a quick glance at her silver Daniel Wellington watch 20 minutes left she told herself. Gemma carefully aimed at the surveillance cameras and took them out. The male target who was on a night swim grabbed his towel and bolted for the sliding door.  She took deep breaths and told herself to remain calm. He was a moving target, she could handle him.

One hand carefully aimed the pistol as the other reached for a grenade. Gemma swiftly pulled the pin on the  weapon and precisely threw it to block his way in. BLAMM.
"Uh fuck shit. Who the hell is that? "
Gemma lurked silently in the shadows as she pulled the trigger. The bullet went screaming down to the mans head and went through it. He lay there still and lifeless as a pool oozed from his brain like spilled motor oil.

Gemma's heart swelled with pride and joy and her trek home began. Leaping from one roof to another with perfect practiced swiftness Gemma would make it home with time to spare. Her dark brown eyes caught sight of  her father's yellow mini cooper. She inhaled sharply then a idea sparked. The front wheel , she shot it abd watched with satisfaction as the car screeched to a halt
"Gemma Cortez. That was your 12th kill this week, huh?" A deep male voice said from behind her. She swiftly turned and spotted a handsome man with crimson spiked hair, vermillion eyes. He put on a neat red and white tuxedo along with white Nike sneakers
"Stay" Gemma softly said pointing her pistols at him. Gemma hopped two roofs away and he was still looking at her when she fired double bullets.  Gemma was hit by a wave of relief to the  stranger who knew her secret drop from the rooftop ... dead and her parents were stalled enough  for her to make it home in record time.

Gemma dived through her bedroom window onto her comfy kingsized bed. Her room was dark , cozy, still and calm like the night outside. After stashing her weapons away she turned on the light and took off her suit then her bra reveling her boobs then took off her panty posing naked infront of her floor to ceiling mirror. Gemma looked around for her phone to take a mirror selfie and send it to Josh. She slapped her ass and squeezed her boobs when she didn't find it. The reality dawned that her parents confiscated it. Her gallery was nothing but her nudes so if her parents browsed it she had no problem

Gemma slipped on her golden silk pyjama top and put on a purple panty. Shuffling her way down the stairs with her golden fluffy slippers, Gemma was expecting to watch a horror movie despite tomorrow being a school day. She reached the kitchen and went staight for the platinum two door fridge. She opened it and a breeze of cool air swept pass as her eyes fished around for icecream. She grabbed the cold tub greedily and closed the fridge. Her eyes widened and she dropped the cold tub as she saw he was, there. Alive!

To be continued ...

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