Chapter 36: Drink of Revelation

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He bellowed out the anger that ate him up inside, regardless of his wounds that would eventually heal. All he could condescendingly glare at the mummy as it dashed away.  Thoughts of how he would unwrap that pitiful scum and torture him to the brink of death, seeped into his mind as he lowered himself to the ground. He opened his mouth to a gaping 180 degrees and shoved the blade down his monstrous throat. He ignored what little pain he received before he whizzed away in a tornado of furry.


Swords at hand and heart blackened by hatred, Gemma clenched her glintering murder weapon with a distinct image to what she'd do to that oversized liar. Acrobaticly leaping from one sun scorched rooftop to the next in utter silence. Zuri knew this silence all too well.
"Gemma, you wanna do this alone huh?" She whispered behind the black cat mask.
"Yes but stay close." She warned.
"Be careful, you know he is of The Underworld and shit."
Gemma gave nothing other than a curt nod as her former home. The devils assassin took a brief pause to draw her pistol.
"Stay here. I'll be back ... and thats a promise." Grunts Gemma.
"You better."

Little Ms Nyx proceeded forward. Slipping into the house through the window of her former bedroom. Gemma stalked her way down the dimly lit stairs. She completely froze when she heard guns cocking around her. The light brightened, Gemma found herself surrounded.
"I told you she'd come." The fat fool laughed.
"You have the right to ..." an officer began
"Tell me something I dont know." Gemma spat as she got forcefully stripped of her assassins coat and weapons. She was handcuffed then hauled out the house, dragged across the drive way and thrown into the van. Muffled voices spoke followed by an outburst of laughter. Gemma began wondering why her eye wasn't activating ... and where was Lucifer when her needed him.

She saw nothing but darkness as the slow van clanked across the roads on its wat to prison.
"Do you trust me?" A voice sounding way too familiar asked in whisper.
"Lucifer? Lucie is that you?" Gemma marvelled.
"Yes I'm here my little demon. Do you trust me?" He responded.
"Why do you ask?" Bemused Gemma asked. The devils vermilion eyes glowed in the dark.
"I need you to drink this."
"What are you holding up? It's too dark to see anything." She complained.
"Drink it for me. It'll help you use your curse and know more."
"About what?" She threw another question
"Just do it." He whispered loudly, pressing the cup against her mouth.
"No, this could be poison for all I care."
"Sure. I saved your life, fell in love with you, almost fucked you cause I couldn't resist you, asked you to be my assassin, spared your sister's life just so I could poison you." He blinked in disbelief.
"I wont die."
Without waiting for a response she opened her mouth and Lucifer helped her  chug it down until there was not a single drop left.
"There's only a 25% chance you'll survive. ...good luck my little demon." He giggled.

The cursed assassin tried to screem but no words came out. She felt dizzy, hot and cold at the same time. Her head twitched like that of a fly as she lost control and rolled over on the van as if she were being electrocuted. Images of demons and the devil flashed and disappeared. Flashbacks came and went but the darkness that came after remained. She went still, her body went stiff, her eyes closed refusing to open. A tingle transmitted through her followed by the shear feeling of being ripped apart.

Cold hard concrete pressed against her cheeks as far away voices laughed, hands waving in her face, boots threatened to kick her. The voices got louder and louder,  the hands got cleared.
"...up, wake up, wake up!!!!" Cheers reverberated off the walls and iron bars back into her ears. She was propped up against the wall in a dark corner. The prisoners around Gemma let her absorb her surroundings.
"Shit I'm in prison already?" She spat
"I wonder how tight it is down there." A gruff voice laughed. Gemma fumed, she felt her curse urging to be activated but did she want to? .
"My little man is up." The muscular man walked towards her as she gave an even more gleeful smile than the prisoners. She wanted it to be active. 
"Tell me ... what's your favorite animal?"she asked.
He growled in anger
"Everyone has a favorite animal. Now, whats your favorite animal." She was maliciously calm, dangerously intelligent or wildly naïve.

"Then die by the gorilla." Her eye transformed into its negative self, tattoos spread like wildfire black energy surrounds her, muscular hairy arms, a silver back and one unbearable temper.

With a simple backhand Gemma's gorilla form sent the man rocketing into the wall and landed with a slump. The prisoners stared, mouths gaping wide. The ape pounded its large fists against its broad chest, instilling fear.
"Whose next." She growled.

Thanks for reading once again lovely wattpadders, hope you enjoyed as much as I did. Please comment and share with other lovely wattpadders out there who might enjoy.

STAY SAFE ASSASSINS you never know. ♥♡♥♥·♡♡

Devils Assassin :Whitebladeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें