Obi-Wan x grievous

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Yoitsme108: no. Just no. What is in people's minds...... to make them think this is okay! It's not! It's just not okay!!!!😳😖😟

Obi-wan: three words. I don't like him.

Yoitsme108: that's four words.

Obi-wan: whatever! He is the enemy. He tried to kill me.

Grievous: I just wanted your saber. A new addition to my collection.

Obi-wan: you had four when you tried to kill me!

Grievous: tsk tsk. Details don't matter. What I'm freaked out about, is why anyone would ever want us together.

Obi-wan: I know. They wanted me and my padawan to be a thing. I found it most disturbing.

Grievous: yes, most.

Grievous rating: 0/10
Obi-wans rating: disturbing/10
Yoitsme108s rating: 0/10



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