Anakin x Windu

426 14 24

Yoitsme108: He is beauty, he is grace, you call him Windu, I call him Mace.

Windu: what on?

Yoitsme108: it's a tweet that nobody liked! I made it up BY MYSELF and I was very PROUD! VERY PROUD! and nobody liked it!

Windu: I'm very sorry.

Anakin: ok I wanna know, how did you come up with this one?

Yoitsme108: because, like every other nerd, I was binging the prequels out of Boredom. Watching them just reminded me how salty you and Windu are to each other and I thought. 'Hey! Why not go torment Anakin?!'

Anakin: it's funny because I know you're not lying about any of that. That's probably exactly how you think.

Windu: Anakin, be nice.

Anakin: *with gritted teeth* yes Master Windu.

Yoitsme108: *screams*

Windu: *jumps* what?!

Yoitsme108: I got a like on the Windu tweet!

Anakin: Yeah, it's probably the only person that ever likes any of your tweets.

Yoitsme108: how did you know?

Anakin: oh I didn't... haha sorry.

Windu: Anakin, that's not being very nice.

Yoitsme108: Yeah! Dont make me throw sand on you!!!

Anakin: Stop it!

Yoitsme108: I will do it!!!!

Windu: both of you stop!!!

Anakin: Sorry Master.

Yoitsme108: Sorry not Sorry Master.

Windu: What?

Yoitsme108: I'm sorry! You're beauty and Grace! And I call you Mace!!!

Windu: that's over doing it but okay.

Anakin: she over does everything.

Yoitsme108: says you! Your acting skills in the prequels was worse then middle school drama students!!! No offense to your friends Chica_Is_Awesome1, But my drama class is better! (I can roast her because it's my sister🙃hehe)

Anakin: take it back!

Yoitsme108: no. I guess looks are not everything.

Windu: can't disagree with that.

Anakin: *mumbles under breath*

Yoitsme108 dill with it!

Anakin: just like I had to deal with not getting a master ranking.

Windu: let it go!

Anakin: I can't!

Yoitsme108: yes you can. I'll teach you. Hux taught me this one. *shoves Anakin on pink velvet couch* *pushes pink velvet couch down so me stairs*

Windu: he taught you that?

Yoitsme108: Hehe, more like did that to me a bunch.

Windu: that's not good.

Yoitsme108: I'm in love Okay?

Windu: that's not good.

Yoitsme108: you said that.

Windu: because it's true. Stop it. Get some help.

Anakin: *lays in pain at the bottom of the stairs*

Windu rating: 0/10
Anakin rating: 0/10
Yoitsme108 rating: 0/10


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