Anakin x Queen Miraj

558 12 30

Thanks for the suggestion freedomgirl321

Yoitsme108: I ship a lot of things.

Anakin: So I'm guessing you ship this.

Yoitsme108: Wow, you're smart!

Miraj: what do you know, me too.

Anakin: I'm so sick of thissssssssss! I. Have. Padmè. Okay?

Yoitsme108: and?

Miraj: Yeah, and?

Anakin: Stop it! Both of you. The point is, this isn't going to work.

Yoitsme108: why?

Miraj: Yeah why?

Anakin: starts with a P, and end in admé.

Yoitsme108: would you shut up about Padmè?!

Miraj: yes, shut up abou-

Yoitsme108: girl, you're testing my limits....

Miraj: respect me.

Yoitsme108: stop repeating everything I say then.

Anakin: this is probably the worst time I have ever had....

Yoitsme108: stop being a baby.

Miraj: you are acting like a child.

Yoitsme108: Miraj! Quit copying me!!!!!

Miraj: what I said was different!

Yoitsme108: it was very similar!!!!!

Miraj: just be quiet!

Yoitsme108: you be quiet!!

Miraj: oh, you just copied me!

Yoitsme108: oh maker!!!

Anakin: *sneaks out as Miraj and Yoitsme108 argue*

Yoitsme108: Anakin! Get back here!

Miraj: Yeah, come here now!

Yoitsme108: *screeches* MIRAJ!!

Anakin: *runs away faster in fear*

Yoitsme108s rating: 0/10 no longer ship it
Miraj rating: 5/10
Anakins rating: 0/10


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