comfort room smut

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─ comfort room
- smut, fluff

a/n: i got a reference from this, but dont worry i wouldnt copy it~

"bakugo," a low voice said, the ash-blond look who was it, and he met a mismatched eyes.

"what, todoroki?!" he groaned, the icy-hot just rolled his eyes and then walked towards the hot-headed and then grabbed his wrist tightly and pulled him out of the classroom.

"i.. i like you..." todoroki confessed, stopping at their destination, the comfort room.

"what the he-- ahh!!" bakugo yelled but interrupted by a harsh pulling, no one is in the comfort room.

todoroki pushed the hot-headed inside on one of the cubicle in the comfort room. as he entered the cubicle, he locked it and he groaned.

"why the hell are we fucking here?!" bakugo yelled out, todoroki shush him up and then smirked.

"will you shut up?" he asked and then sighed.

"why are we here?" bakugo whisper-yelled at the male in front of him.

"because i'm going to confess." he muttered and then smirked, kissing the ash-blond roughly.

"hmm! hmm!" he yelled out, but interrupted by todoroki's lips on his.

"i'm gonna do you."

"ahh... fuck..." the ash-blond moaned quietly, todoroki licked the shaft and shove his mouth once again to his raging manhood.

"todoroki... ahhn~" bakugo mewled and bit his lip.

"" todoroki called, licking the tip, bakugo secured his mouth with his both hands, not wanting to be heard.

"sto-stop, wha-what hah... did you hyaah... think you were~ do...doing? hahh~" he asked, silently panting.

"i really like you, bakugo. please give me this chance." he said and stood up.

bakugo look up to see his face, he is a bit taller to bakugo. todoroki held to his thighs, lifting his whole legs, and wrapped it around his waist, bakugo moaned when something just poked his entrance.

"n... no! don't!" he yelled out, todoroki replied with a smirk. "i know you like it too."

he pushed his length to the tight hole, sucking down to the ash-blond's neck.

"ahhhn~" bakugo mewled.

todoroki looked up to him, the sight that he see right now is making him want the ash-blond more.

red face, teary-eyes and sweat spread across to his face, bakugo bit his lips and said.

"i.. like you too-- ahh~"

todoroki thrusted violently into him.

"that's what i like, bakugo."

bakugo moaned, saliva dripping down.

todoroki kissed him, slipping his tongue into his wet cavern. fighting for dominance.

they parted, string of saliva connecting each other.

"fuck, bakugo so tight!"

"ahh! i'm gonna cum... cum!!" bakugo yelled out.


they both squirted cum, todoroki squirted seeds inside bakugo while bakugo squirted cum on both of them.

"argh, i can't fucking walk properly, my fucking back hurts." bakugo groaned and todoroki looked at him.

"at least you liked me too."

─ horrible attempts to do SMUT aahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahajahajajjahahahaajhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahhhhahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahhhahaahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahhahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahah

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