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"I need your opinion on something," Jax says as he watches me flip through the catalogue magazine.

I arrived home from school and the first thing that greeted me was dad's big smile. My guard had immediately gone up because there was no way that smile didn't have a hidden agenda. Imagine my surprise when he told me to get dressed because I was going to get that dream MacBook I've been lusting over for several years now.

The only downside was that I had to bring Jax with me.

"What about?" I ask absently.

"There's this girl I've been seeing—"

"Oh, God. Just stop right there." I waggle my forefinger at him. "Don't drag me into your issues with your girlfriend."

"Would you listen first?"


He goes ahead and tells me anyway.

"So, I'm taking her out this Saturday but I'm not sure where exactly I'm going to take her or even if I do want to take her out on a date. It was kind of like a spur of the moment thing. Like when a girl asks you to define your relationship and you have to spit out the first thing that comes to your mind."

I sigh because I know what he's about to ask next.

"Is it bad if I cancelled last minute because I don't want to lead her on and for her to get the wrong idea."

"You want my honest opinion?" I close the catalogue and turn to him.


"I think you're a jackass. Did you even listen to what you've said right now? You've waited all week and you want to cancel the date you promised you'd take your girlfriend the day before it?"

"Well, which is better? Me saving her from getting led on or me breaking her heart later?"

"Neither," I say. "You've made your bed. Now you have to lie on it."

He groans. "Just the answer I needed. Have you picked yet?"

"I'm still picking."

"You've been picking for the last thirty minutes."

"That's because there's a bunch of factors to consider. It has to be  light and portable, have a good RAM and—"

He fakes a yawn. "Spare me your nerd facts. Pick a damn laptop and let's get out of here."

"Why are you so antsy?"

"In case you haven't noticed, every guy here is looking at you like they want to fuck you. Did you have to wear that?"

He gestures at my blue high-rise jeans and black camisole getup.

"Oh, shut up." I continue with my perusal of the various gadgets at my disposal until my eyes fall on the perfect laptop. "This is the one."

"Finally. Let's go get it and get out of here."

He takes brisk steps to the counter making me laugh at him for being so uncomfortable. He stands motionless beside me as the cashier boxes up the laptop.

"So, hanging out with you was fun," Jax says.

"Yeah, I bet it was for someone who's not being followed around like they're a toddler or something."

"We're just looking out for you, believe it or not."

I'm sick and tired of everyone tiptoeing around me like I'm made of glass.

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