My Deadly Secret Admirer...

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Tagline: How I would kill to get your attention... 


Chapter 1: 

A Screaming Party

"Can't you be any more annoying?" I asked. I gave my older brother a hard shove.

He wrapped his left arm around my shoulder and pulled me in a tight hug while messing up my hair.

"Ugh! Get away from me!" I said angrily. He tossed his head back and laughed. I pushed him away from me with all strength and then pretended to strangle him. "Shut up, Aaron!" I cried. "You've been a total pain all afternoon."

He giggled.

I shook my head to the side sighing annoyed and stomped towards the kitchen to get an apple.

"Come on! It's no wonder you don't have a boyfriend little sis', you're so boring!" He chuckled.

I dropped the green apple I had gotten. It thud loudly against the shiny new titles then rolled away.

Boyfriend. My dead boyfriend. Chris Turneer was my first boyfriend who died horribly. He was missing for a few days. There was an enormous search party for him. I knew he wasn't off with one of his jerk friends. He usually called or would brag about it, but never disappear without a word. My heart ached so much. About two weeks after his disappearance the police found a body. They said the body was found under an old bridge by the Wilshire's cemetery. They reported that the body was found with signs that it was strangled to death, beaten half to death, burned with cigarettes on the back of his head, and what's so gruesome is that the killer had poured acid in his middle part and part of his face when his victim was still breathing.

They weren't sure if it was him or not considering they both had the same age, but they needed his mother to go to the morgue to confirm. When she came back I was torn. She said that she had recognized the body through a birthmark Chris had behind his neck.

I couldn't, didn't want to believe that that body, found gruesomely murdered, was Chris. I cried weeks without end. I didn't eat. I didn't sleep. I didn't do anything!

When my older brother Aaron came home from Berkeley University, he saw how much pain I was in. He, along with some close friends, pulled me back up when I was a zombie. Now it has been one year since then.

I was spun around and pulled into another tight hug.

"Am such an idiot! Forget what I had just said, it -am a jerk," he said softy.

"No," I whined. "It's not your fault. What happened happened and we can't do anything about it."

"I guess you're right," he buried his face in my hair and slowly let go of me. He crouched down until he was at my height. "Everything is going to be okay am here, now. I will always be at your side."

"I need to go and do my homework," I said quietly. He nodded and went towards the refrigerator.

I walked fast towards my room and turned on my laptop, which was lying lazily next to my backpack.

Once it loaded, I quickly checked my e-mails. Sami, my best friend, sent me a message.

Dude, you have to come to the party! Kristen Lowenthenal's b-day remember? I frowned. I have never liked parties or any of those sorts.

"Ugh! I don't like parties! Why would you want me to go?!"

I kept reading what it had to say.

Clark is going to be there. That quickly caught my attention. Clark was going to be there at the party.

My Deadly Secret Admirer..Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin